


Nico Schottelius's activity

From 03/25/2020 to 04/23/2020


09:16 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7937: Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
A note on design: as we are often saying "mattermost looks nicer" I would suggest that we create a client that uses t... Nico Schottelius
10:47 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7936 (Closed): Configure OUR matrix server so that new people automatically join Town Square and Off-Topic
* To be done by Balazs with help/notes from Timothee
* Please check/work according to due date
Nico Schottelius


12:43 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6325 (Closed): [user request] Support BGP for customers
Is supported. Nico Schottelius


12:57 PM Swiss School of Digital Education Task #7898 (Rejected): Organise first Django course (1 week)
h2. Participants
* Fabio Krieger
* Marc Auer
h2. Format
* 1 week
* Either 27th of July+
* Or 3rd of Augus...
Nico Schottelius


12:21 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7893 (Rejected): Remove TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 from our webhostings
Affected hostings:
* static webhosting
* django hosting
* rails hosting
* matrix hosting
* ... everything with...
Nico Schottelius

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