


Ahmed Bilal's activity

From 04/11/2020 to 05/10/2020


07:44 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7937: Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
Aye Aye Captain :) Ahmed Bilal


04:56 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7937: Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
Nico, I am confused about the estimate because it is frontend work and I didn't have much experience on frontend. But... Ahmed Bilal


07:46 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7937: Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
* I think it wouldn't be the case that we can easily use mattermost's things especially JavaScript components (https:... Ahmed Bilal


05:14 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7937: Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
Waiting for login facility to get fixed in our Matrix instance. Ahmed Bilal
05:14 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7937: Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
Matrix API documentations can be found at
**Note:** Deleting a room is ...
Ahmed Bilal
04:13 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7937 (Rejected): Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
Ahmed Bilal

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