Task #6685
Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 6 years ago
* challenge 1: register an ipv6 network (10 points)
** we generate a random ip in that network, name it "user ip"
* challenge 2: the user needs to configure the "user ip" to be ping'able; gets points when the user triggers/submits and at that time we can ping the ip address (20 points)
* challenge 3: the user needs to be reachable by http on her "user ip" (30 points if reachable)
* challenge 4: the user needs to configure a DNS server that is answering requests in the domain "$username.ungleich.cloud" (120 points)
* challenge 5: the user needs setup a second DNS server; we generate a 2nd random IP and let the user know the ip address; successful if it answers requests in "$username.ungleich.cloud" (20 points)
* challenge 6: setup https: we generate a DNS name ("$username.something") and the user needs to retrieve an SSL certificate from letsencrypt and should be reachable via https (80 points)