


Task #9091

Updated by Nico Schottelius over 3 years ago

h2. Resources and Requirements 

 * 3x VIWIB 
 * 2x VIIRB 
 * 1x 3+port switch 
 * 6x network cables 

 h2. Content 

 * Setting up the basic network (2h) 
 ** Main Router: plugging in, testing IPv6 upstream connectivity (1h) 
 ** Connecting router2 and router3 (client only) (0.5h) 
 ** Connecting client1 and client2 (0.5h) 
 * BREAK 0.25h 
 * Setting up Static Routing (2.5h) 
 ** How it works, network plan (theory, 0.5h) 
 ** Configuring the main router for router2 (0.5h) 
 ** Moving client1 to router2, checking connectivity (0.5h) 
 ** Repetition on router3, client2 (1h) 
 * BREAK 0.5h 
 * Dynamic Routing with BGP / Bird (3h) 
 ** How it works (theory, 0.5h) 
 ** Installing and configuring bird on main router (1h) 
 ** Installing and configuring bird on router2 (0.5h) 
 ** Repetition on router3 (1h) 
 * Wrap up (0.5h) 
 * Total: ~6h
