


Commonly used IPv6 networks » History » Revision 13

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h1. Commonly used IPv6 networks 

 h2. By ungleich 

 Assuming that you have a /48 per location/site, there are some specific /64 sub networks that we usually use at ungleich. 
 As an example let's take **2001:db8:a::/48**, then the we often use these networks: 


 h3. Typical IPv6 plan from ungleich 

 | Network | Description | 
 | 2001:db8:a::/64 | The network 0 is usually internal | 
 | | For netboot, untrusted equipment, IPMI and co. Usually firewall for no incoming traffic at all | 
 | 2001:db8:a:1::/64 | Servers, sensible equipment: stuff we trust ssh is safe | 
 | | For accessing servers, usually only port 22 (ssh) or an alternative SSH port (222,2202,2222) open | 
 | 2001:db8:a:8::/64 | Transfer network | 
 | | For routing, might contain /124 or smaller sub networks for "point to point" | 
 | 2001:db8:a:a::/64 | DNS network: houses DNS servers in the network.    | 
 | | Regular DNS servers are usually 2001:db8:a:a::a and 2001:db8:a:a::b | 
 | | DNS64 enabled servers are usually 2001:db8:a:a::64 and 2001:db8:a:a::65 | 
 | 2001:db8:a:bee::/64 | LAN network: usually wifi/coworking | 
 | | "bee" is something people can easily pronounce; ssh open from outside | 
 | 2001:db8:a:cafe::/64 | LAN network: usually wired/regular clients | 
 | 2001:db8:a:d::/64 | Downstream network: routing to physically present downstreams | 
 | 2001:db8:a:d::/80 | Static IP addresses OUR side | 
 | 2001:db8:a:d:1::/80 | Static IP addresses DOWNSTREAM | 
 | 2001:db8:a:7ea::/64 | LAN network: Usually 2nd wifi network | 
 | 2001:db8:a:b00::/96 | Incoming NAT64 prefix: mapping IPv4 islands: 2001:db8:a:b00:: is IPv6 reachable | 
 | 2001:db8:a:c00::/96 | 2nd Incoming NAT64 prefix: use this if one of them is stateful, the other one is stateless | 
 | 2001:db8:a:c001::/96 | Outgoing NAT64 prefix: mapping the IPv4 Internet, allowing IPv6 only hosts to reach the IPv4 Internet | 

 h3. IPv6 address guidelines 

 * /124s are nice to read as they cut off the last byte 
 * When using a /96 to access from or to the IPv4 Internet, reserve the whole /64 
 * When sub dividing a /64 on a VM/server, use /80's (nibble boundaries) 
 * */64: When in doubt, take a /64* 
 * /48's work great per location or customer 
 ** No need to use a bigger network, even if you have space 
 * VPN concentrators / routers usually need /40 or /32 to redistribute /48's 

 h2. In other places 

 * "Address plan from Peter H. Jin": 
 * "IPv6 addressing plans (from a RIPE meeting)":