


Task #8675 » pres.html

Philipp (double-p) Buehler, 12/06/2020 10:31 AM

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# jibri - recording/streaming jitsi meetings


# Talking points

1. Problem / Architecture
2. Multi-Hosting
3. Implementation
4. Outcome

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## Problem / Architecture
Jitsi can do online video conferencing just fine and is based on several services that interact:

- jitsi - web-UI

- prosody - internal steering and inline chat

- jicofo - service(s) discovery (also with prosody)

- videobrige - actual webRTC

The missing part is recording/ext. streaming (e.g. YT) - where `jibri` kicks in
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## Multi-Hosting
The official documentation is a bit brief on how to distribute jitsi and other components
over multiple VMs. Given the resource hunger of components like heavy lifter java, ffmpeg,
videobridge and so that's a bummer.

Finding out when a "name" is just a label or actually an FQDN/hostname is pretty opaque.
Luckily at least one put an eye that multiple servers are a good thing:

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## Implementation (

- Existing jitsi-meet @ ``
- new VM for jibri @ ``
- Install pretty much like from but
full details/deviations in the at ticket #8675
- main deviation is new config (HOCONF) format
- JDK8 no longer needed
- `next page`

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## Implementation (

- jitsi, jicofo, prosody on ``.
- jibri, X, chrome, ffmpeg, nginx on ``
- jibri starts up, connects to prosody-MUC to announce readiness
- user/jitsi requests video recording/streaming
- jicofo will look in MUC to find available jibri instances
- jibri will launch chrome/selenium, joins (hidden) the meeting
- ffmpeg will capture the chrome rendering and streams to disk
- nginx is available to offer download of the resulting MP4

If above is working, YT-streaming is done by only providing your
YT-stream-key -- no further config/setup needed.
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## Outcome

- jibri (actually ffmpeg) is very CPU bound but could trigger RAM bound, too, if falling behind
- only one recording per jibri instance
- streaming is YT only (for now)
- does not work - "isJoined: false"
- and the docs are poor - until you get the hang, somewhat

Oh.. and that was the first non-OpenBSD H4G for me :)

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