


Wiki » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Nico Schottelius, 12/04/2020 04:25 PM) → Revision 4/5 (Nico Schottelius, 12/04/2020 04:47 PM)

h1. Wiki 

 h2. Introduction 

 As this Hack4Glarus will be virtual, some guidelines beforehand: 

 * We officially start with the projects and intro on 2020-12-04-1700 CET 
 * You can join already before: 
 ** The matrix chat (text based): 
 *** After registering go to 
 *** And type: **/join** 
 ** Jitsi (Video/Audio) 

 h2. The Hackathon 

 * We start with the opening on 1700 
 * We will then form teams (you should be at least 2 people) 
 * We coordinate on Matrix & Jitsi 
 * If you have any serious problem/need to reach out someone on emergency basis, contact Nico (+4179 832 68 61) 
 * At latest 1900 of 2020-12-04 you should have joined a project 
 * It is a distributed hackathon  
 ** We need to be more verbose by default to be heard 
 ** Better write one message more than one message less 
 ** It is also encouraged to share "I'll go out with my cat now" things 


 h2. The social things in between 

 * If the main hack4glarus Jitsi room becomes to full or you need a breakout room, just create a new room on 
 * Post pictures whenever you like - the more the better! 
 ** it's good to see how / where others are doing! 
 * If you are stuck - just post it in the channel, all of us go through that 

 h2. The ending ceremony 

 * On Sunday 2020-12-06-1100 CET the project presenations start 
 * Send the project name and participant list latest by 2020-12-06-1042 in the #hack4glarus matrix channel