



From 12/09/2018 to 01/07/2019


03:36 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
@nico @auer Here is my material of TASK #6068 in progress. It is describing all procedure. Thanks. Dong Woo Koh


02:25 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. Reference... Dong Woo Koh


04:47 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. I changed into "Peer" mode from "md5" in order to granting all privileges to "app"... Dong Woo Koh
04:23 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
04:17 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. The problem was "host=localhost" !!!!... Dong Woo Koh
04:01 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Reference... Dong Woo Koh
02:40 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Psql connection error ... Dong Woo Koh


04:13 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. Changing Configuration ( /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf)... Dong Woo Koh
03:30 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
03:11 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh


10:48 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. Checking Error ...
: FATAL: role "root" does not exist
"Most of the Linux users are trying to l...
Dong Woo Koh
10:41 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
I'll follow your suggestion.
Thanks for your comment.
Dong Woo Koh
10:32 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Note: the location is always the location of the gateway, not of the device. Nico Schottelius
10:28 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Marc, this task is interesting for you to watch. Dong Woo has gotten the MQTT part up and running.
Dong Woo, Marc,...
Nico Schottelius
10:25 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Cool, you ARE receiving data already!
The error you have is because there is no role root in your postgres
Nico Schottelius
10:24 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Checking below condition of "./"...
Dong Woo Koh
09:46 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6

#. Puttin address...with lorawan2.lab.ungleich(') into "./"...
Dong Woo Koh


12:36 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Last comment looks good! Nico Schottelius
12:24 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Structure... Dong Woo Koh
12:04 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
11:33 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
11:28 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. ... Dong Woo Koh


01:36 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
12:34 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. It made new one : Dong Woo Koh
12:12 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. Dong Woo Koh
11:43 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh


11:22 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
It seems that "localhost" is regarded as "localhost" of redash container. Dong Woo Koh
03:56 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
That's why I use public IP with v4, I could not solve the attached problem with "localhost" in red...
Dong Woo Koh


05:10 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
2 hints Dong-Woo:
* Usually data base servers should only listen on ::1 or, or even better only on a uni...
Nico Schottelius
04:33 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Different kind error found (refer attached file)
: So,I put docker's IP: Finally I checked success mess...
Dong Woo Koh
04:17 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. postgresql(5432) port openning SUCCESS!!
: for redash...
Dong Woo Koh
03:42 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#checking opened ports win nmap i(in outside postion)
: 5342 port(posgresql) not opened....
Dong Woo Koh
03:06 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Postgresql Installed installed into "" again manually
: for temperature sensor's DB
--> ...
Dong Woo Koh


04:25 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Very good!
Let me know, if you have any questions about how to continue! writes:
Nico Schottelius
03:56 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
I made new integration.
I did not check "" yet.
Dong Woo Koh


04:30 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
I just granted you access - can you check Nico Schottelius
02:17 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
@nico, I joined with my email,
Dong Woo Koh


03:10 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Very cool, Dong Woo!
I mentioned to Jason yesterday: the next step is probably to get the data on an IPv6 only VM ...
Nico Schottelius
02:59 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. Working!!!!!!....--;;;
Dong Woo Koh
02:53 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. AGAIN according to below reference... Dong Woo Koh
02:41 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. I made New VM with IPv4, Only for TEST.
I put address into dns1,2.lab...
Dong Woo Koh


08:48 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
08:17 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
07:57 AM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6

#. Below 3 networks are installed basically by Docker Installation in ""
(except for "d4eca...
Dong Woo Koh


02:53 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
It was totally inevitable. I do not have a ...
Dong Woo Koh
02:45 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Reference... Dong Woo Koh


02:37 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Thanks @nico,
I checked my VM IP in opennebula....
Dong Woo Koh


03:48 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Hey Dongwoo,
you should not need to force IPv6, as we have outgoing NAT64.
Double check that your IPv6 address is i...
Nico Schottelius
03:15 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
02:49 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
02:46 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
02:35 PM Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh

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