



From 05/04/2019 to 06/02/2019


09:02 AM Task #6679 (In Progress): Create ungleich game, a flask based game to show system engineering skills
Roland Zweifel


03:20 PM Task #6685: Implement game challenges 1-6
h2. Challenge 1
How the user gets a /64, is NOT part of the challenge. The user has to
have access to a /64 *before*...
Nico Schottelius
03:06 PM Task #6685: Implement game challenges 1-6
Nico Schottelius wrote:
> * challenge 1: register an ipv6 network (10 points)
> ** we generate a random ip in that ...
Roland Zweifel
02:10 PM Task #6685 (In Progress): Implement game challenges 1-6

The Status was on waiting, because i need to understand the structure of my solution. Need to find out how...
Roland Zweifel
12:24 PM Task #6685: Implement game challenges 1-6
Why is the status waiting and not in progress Roli? writes:
Nico Schottelius
08:52 AM Task #6685 (Waiting): Implement game challenges 1-6
Roland Zweifel
08:52 AM Task #6685: Implement game challenges 1-6
i need more time to understand how to code python with a html website.
Roland Zweifel
08:51 AM Task #6685 (Seen): Implement game challenges 1-6
Roland Zweifel


10:24 PM Task #6686 (Rejected): Implement game challenges 7-
To be defined:
* challenge 7:
* challenge 8:
* challenge 9:
* challenge 10:
Nico Schottelius
09:36 PM Task #6685 (Rejected): Implement game challenges 1-6
* challenge 1: register an ipv6 network (10 points)
** we generate a random ip in that network, name it "user ip"
Nico Schottelius
07:26 PM Task #6679: Create ungleich game, a flask based game to show system engineering skills
when starting, update this ticket status, please Nico Schottelius
10:20 AM Task #6679 (Rejected): Create ungleich game, a flask based game to show system engineering skills
* high score & intro on landing page
* toolchain (= tools that you will use)
** flask
** pipenv
** etcd
Nico Schottelius

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