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Nico Schottelius's activity

From 11/30/2019 to 12/29/2019


02:36 PM ipv6 Task #7523: TCP/UDP Services supported by IP4-to-IP6 incoming proxy and NAT64 outgoing gateway
h2. IPv6 only DNS
* Needs helper/proxy/delegated
* Setup
** Domain IN NS <nameserver>
** nameserver IN AAAA <I...
Nico Schottelius


03:15 PM Swiss School of Digital Education Task #7521 (Rejected): Add IPv6 course offer
* 1 week
* including food and sleeping
* On request
* For companies / teams who want to learn how to setup, use, m...
Nico Schottelius
02:53 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7520: Checkout whether OSPF can be helpful for DCL
parameters mismatch between switch & routers: disable switch for the moment... Nico Schottelius
02:35 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7520: Checkout whether OSPF can be helpful for DCL
Testing on arista:... Nico Schottelius
02:16 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7520: Checkout whether OSPF can be helpful for DCL
Seems like these code blocks are already enough for internal route exchange:... Nico Schottelius
01:49 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7520 (Closed): Checkout whether OSPF can be helpful for DCL
* testing with new routers
* Todo: find out how to limit route imports in arista via ospf
Nico Schottelius
12:25 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7519: uncloud test run 2019-12-21
* etcd3 error message might be improve / error out on import error
** fail only when it is required for oper...
Nico Schottelius
12:22 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7519 (Closed): uncloud test run 2019-12-21
* Convince Nico that it works ;-)
* On Alpine and Arch
Nico Schottelius


09:47 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7304: Test NAT64 with distributed routers with joold on alpine
* Configuring router1.place6 for NAT64
** Prefix 2a0a:e5c0:2:10::/96...
Nico Schottelius
12:56 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7377: Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
Session exist on one router, session does not exist on other one -> multicast issue?... Nico Schottelius
12:28 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7377: Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
Using the new NAT64 IPv4 address on both machines:... Nico Schottelius
12:27 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7377: Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
Need to add pool entries for each protocol:... Nico Schottelius
12:23 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7377 (In Progress): Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
... Nico Schottelius


05:41 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7345: Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
Just added you to ungleich-public, please move there Nico Schottelius
05:14 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7478 (Closed): Create script to create centos8 image suitable for opennebula

Thanks! writes:
Nico Schottelius
09:58 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7503 (Rejected): Create script to create new / updated OpenBSD image for OpenNebula
* Upgrading to 6.6
* The original image was made by @reyk
* The logic is basically the same as the other images, ho...
Nico Schottelius
09:55 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7502 (Closed): Create script to create new / updated FreeBSD image for OpenNebula
* 12.1 is out for a while
* The original image was made by @kamila
* The logic is basically the same as the other i...
Nico Schottelius


05:41 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7472 (Closed): Fix the fedora image for resize

Nice job! writes:
Nico Schottelius
12:49 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7345: Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
Moving ticket to Open Infrastructure Nico Schottelius
12:00 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7496 (Closed): Create 2 new IPv6 only unbound based resolving DNS servers providing DNS64
h2. Background
We want VPN users or anyone to be able to select if they get NAT64 or not. Currently our bind decid...
Nico Schottelius
11:14 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6671: Setup mastodon/pleroma for ungleich
ack writes:
Nico Schottelius


11:03 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7483 (Closed): Update the __consul cdist type for alpine
seems like the configuration place is different on current alpine that what we assumed/what is in our normal config f... Nico Schottelius
11:01 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7482 (Closed): On Alpine Linux the monit job for node-exporter uses the wrong path
Current state is:... Nico Schottelius
05:31 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7478 (Closed): Create script to create centos8 image suitable for opennebula
* or similar
* goes into ungleich-tools
Nico Schottelius
11:47 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7472 (Closed): Fix the fedora image for resize
* In theory the opennebula scripts *should* do that
** I think I have even seen scripts in /etc/one-context.d that *...
Nico Schottelius


05:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7456 (Rejected): Prototype support for IPv6 only mail servers
* incoming via bounce/transfer host
** whitelist of domains + smarthost settings?
* outgoing
** check whether MX ...
Nico Schottelius


12:50 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7439 (Rejected): Add support for different authentication methods
* local/no authentication
* remote
** uotp
** ldap
** etcd based (???)
Nico Schottelius
12:37 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7438 (Closed): Explore local ucloud setup
* no public listeners
* all local
* no authentication
* no ceph by default
Nico Schottelius
12:35 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7437 (Closed): Run ucloud with a single authentication token
* No uotp
* No ldap
* No nothing
Nico Schottelius
10:58 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (In Progress): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
Nico Schottelius
10:57 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (New): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
Doc/uotp seems to be outdated:... Nico Schottelius
10:47 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (In Progress): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
Nico Schottelius
10:22 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (Closed): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
h2. objective
* get ucloud into a customer usable state
h2. Tasks
* how does a user interact with ucloud?
Nico Schottelius


12:44 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7427 (Rejected): Rough draft to support console on our VMs
* Migrate dynamicweb user base to ldap
** write script to migrate users (passwords? do we have to reset / have them ...
Nico Schottelius


06:09 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7156 (Closed): Add new sunrise link to infrastrucure, introduce policy routing
Added long time ago Nico Schottelius


04:23 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7400: Switch all servers to IPv6 only netboot
place5 to de done on 2019-12-04 Nico Schottelius
04:16 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7409 (Closed): Replace ipv4 on internal routes with multip protocol IPv6
Current limitation: need update to newer bird version
Nico Schottelius


04:09 PM ipv6 Task #7405: Explore IPv6 compatible IoT devices
Nico Schottelius
04:07 PM ipv6 Task #7405 (Rejected): Explore IPv6 compatible IoT devices
Nico Schottelius
12:02 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7400 (Closed): Switch all servers to IPv6 only netboot
h2. Objective
* Remove one of the last IPv4 bits from our infrastructure (-> less complexity)
* Test that all ser...
Nico Schottelius


09:22 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7397: Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image
Current state:... Nico Schottelius
09:21 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7397 (Closed): Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image
Nico Schottelius
07:36 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7390 (Closed): Boot alpine via IPv6 netboot from the arm64 servers
Nico Schottelius
07:32 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7389: Setup a webserver on the APU, create an ipxe script and add bootable files
... Nico Schottelius
07:30 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7389 (Closed): Setup a webserver on the APU, create an ipxe script and add bootable files
* install nginx
* download ipxescript
* download kernel
* download initramfs
* verify with wget or curl that the ...
Nico Schottelius
05:56 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7387 (Closed): Create an iPXE binary WITHOUT ipv4 support (only IPv6)
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7377: Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
I'll try some joold magic today... Nico Schottelius
01:45 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7385 (Closed): Create a new service named "ipv6" that offers in ipv6 networkservices
* Reachable under http://ipv6/
* Be able to delegate a /64 network (why not dhcp-pd: too complex)
Nico Schottelius
12:34 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7378 (In Progress): Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64
Nico Schottelius

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