Task #7482
closedOn Alpine Linux the monit job for node-exporter uses the wrong path
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Current state is:
[22:56] router2.place5:/etc/monit# cat conf.d/node-exporter check process prometheus-node-exporter with pidfile /var/run/prometheus/ start program = "/etc/init.d/prometheus-node-exporter start" with timeout 60 seconds stop program = "/etc/init.d/prometheus-node-exporter stop" [22:56] router2.place5:/etc/monit#
However the init script is /etc/init.d/node-exporter.
Add an "os" check into manifest/dcl in the router section to use a different __ungleich_monit config depending on the OS.
MR for this one not direct push, please
Updated by Timothée Floure about 5 years ago
Add an "os" check into manifest/dcl in the router section to use a different __ungleich_monit config depending on the OS.
Wouldn't it be better to add this check to the `__ungleich_monit` type, which generate the `/etc/monit/conf.d/node-exporter` file?
Updated by Timothée Floure almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Timothée Floure almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed