Task #5882
Updated by Nico Schottelius about 6 years ago
* How we create it
* How we deploy it
h2. Introduction
The netboot images are basically a Devuan filesystem that is created by **debootstrap**. To be able to boot the servers, the kernel is extracted and the root filesystem is put into an cpio archive.
h2. How to build / update a netboot image
* Login to netboot-build.ungleich.ch
* Go to /srv
* /srv/devuan contains the current version
* /srv/devuan-VERSION.gz contains the available root filesystem
* /srv/kernel-VERSION
To update / make changes:
* chroot /srv/devuan
* [work work work]
cd /srv/devuan
find . -print0 | cpio --null -ov --format=newc | gzip -9 > /srv/initramfs-${VERSION}.gz
cp vmlinuz /srv/kernel-${VERSION}