Task #6869
Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 6 years ago
For proper growth and stability, we need to challenge our setup. We will try to replace opennebula with ucloud and at the same time challenge OpenStack. This is not only a technical, but also a public project, which Sanghee will write the public story of. Requirements: * a fully portable cloud management system that is API based, exposes all internals w/o secret keys ** supporting console via guacamole ** users in ldap ** api authentication in ungleich-otp ** firewalling in ufirewall (or similar) * A great team * To be built in less than 100 days h2. Technology stack * python3 ** easy to read * flask ** easy to understand * ldap ** well known * ungleich-otp * etcd ** storing VMs, networks, etc. * nft (Linux), pf (BSD) * JSON ** describing the data, easy to handle * Prometheus ** For monitoring hosts and VMs * VXLAN ** For networks h2. Technical requirements * ucloud should be portable ** While the primary target is Linux, it should run on FreeBSD/OpenBSD as well * There should be no single point of failure ** APIs should be announced via BGP to the routers ** Switches will then use ECMP to load balance ** All APIs write to a distributed data store (v1: etcd) -> all data is distributed, too. * Fast dead host detection ** Dead hosts should be detected fast, VMs should be rescheduled fast h2. Components h3. Scheduler The scheduler knows about hosts, their capacities and their usage. The scheduler decides which VM gets scheduled where. The scheduler is also responsible for rescheduling VMs (f.i. due to another host becoming better for a specific VM). h3. Network manager Creates and manages virtual layer 2 networks. Basically does the following: * Create VXLAN with correct IPv6 multicast address h3. IPAM Network address manager. Provides dhcpd/dhcp6d/router advertisements. h3. Metadata Provides access to to * public ssh keys * other data users provide h3. Firewall The VMs should not be able to interfere with other VMs or hosts in a malicious way. The following protective measures need to be implemented: * prevent dhcpd answers in public networks * prevent router advertisements in public networks Note to Nico: ping reyk for possible involvement