


Task #6904

Updated by Nico Schottelius about 5 years ago

An image store is a place where images can be stored. 

 h2. How it works 

 Images (things that VMs can attach to) need to be stored in a image store. Image stores might be usable by users or only by admins.  

 h2. v1 

 * For v1 we only support ceph 
 * We do leave options open for other image stores, but    we don't implement anything else at the moment 
 * In general this service only manages data in etcd that can be referred to / used by ucloud-image 

 Fields / attributes: 

 * is_public (true|false): if yes, users can use it 
 * type: (only "ceph" supported at the moment) 
 * uuid 
 * name: ... 
 * description: ... 
 * attributes : are image store type specific 
 * attributes for ceph 
 ** list: ceph monitors 
 ** key: key for accessing the ceph cluster 
 ** (more might follow) 
 ** pool (which ceph pool to use)
