


Task #7009

Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 5 years ago

  * Starting networking ... *     lo ... [ ok ] 
  *     eth0 ...udhcpc: started, v1.30.1 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc failed to get a DHCP lease 
 udhcpc: no lease, forking to background 

  [ ok ] 
  *     eth1 ...udhcpc: started, v1.30.1 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc: sending discover 
 udhcpc failed to get a DHCP lease 
 udhcpc: no lease, forking to background 
 ^C [ ok ] 
  * Starting busybox syslog ... [ ok ] 
  * Initializing random number generator ... [ ok ] 
  * Starting busybox acpid ... [ ok ] 
  * Starting chronyd ... 


 It only continued when plugging in a cable after seeing the message @udhcpc: no lease, forking to background@. 


 blue:/etc/apk# cat /etc/network/interfaces  
 auto lo 
 iface lo inet loopback 

 auto eth0 
 iface eth0 inet dhcp 
	 hostname blue 
 #          post-up /usr/bin/wg-quick up wg0 

 iface eth0 inet6 static 
         address 2a0a:e5c1:122:f00d::42 
         netmask 64 

 auto eth1 
 iface eth1 inet dhcp 
 #          post-up /usr/bin/wg-quick up wg0 

 iface eth1 inet6 static 
         address 2a0a:e5c1:122:cafe::42 
         netmask 64 
