


Task #7180

Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 5 years ago

* router1-new is up and running 

 h2. Steps 

 * Verify / update cdist configuration 
 * Checkout IP configuration 
 ** Add VRRP IPs to loopback interface (will be used instead of keepalived) 
 * Verify sysctl configuration 
 * Rerun cdist, exclude announcing of routes 
 * Adjust radvd configuration 
 ** lower interval 
 ** lower life time 

 h2. cdist configuration 

 Was written for Devuan/keepalived. Need to check step-by-step. 

 * __ungleich_bgp_router: *TEMPFIX* 
 ** contains static route announcements 
 ** can only be used once the upstream networking is verified 
 * __dcl_node_exporter: still makes sense 
 ** Is debian/devuan specific, needs changes 
 *  		  __ungleich_ipv6_radvd --config router-$dc 
 *           __ungleich_nftables     --config router-$dc 
 *           __dcl_router_resolvconf --search-path "$d"        
 * __dcl_tftp_http_pxe_bootserver 
 *           require="__dcl_router_network" __dcl_router_keepalived --master 
 ** Needs to be ported to loopback + bgp 
 *          __dcl_router_network --ipsuffix 5 

 * #           __dcl_nat64 --mtu 9000 

 h2. Change router advertisements 

 We will have 2 active routers now with both advertising with radvd at the same time. 
 This is part of replacing keepalived. 

 * -Change router advertisement lifetime to 10 seconds- 
 * -Change advertisement interval to 3..5- 
 * Modify cdist type to restart/reload radvd on changes 

   MinRtrAdvInterval 3; 
   MaxRtrAdvInterval 5; 
   AdvDefaultLifetime 10; 

 h2. Switch configuration 

 * Switches *might* need ipv4 bgp peering for providing virtual IPv4 address support 
 * Don't see traffic on router1-new from upstream 
 ** Need to verify trunk configuration on switches
