


Task #7436

Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 5 years ago

h2. objective 

 * get ucloud into a customer usable state 

 h2. Tasks 

 * how does a user interact with ucloud? 
 * where to deploy it 
 * the usual production things (security, availability, ...) 
 * etcd instalation 
 * monitoring 

 h2. How does a user get access to ucloud? 

 * Registering on 
 * Installing the cli 
 * Adding credit card details (how?) 

 h2. Concrete steps 

 * checkout status of ucloud-pay 
 ** what does it already do? 
 ** what needs to be done 
 * Documentation: Have an easy entry point for users 

 h2. Others / unsorted 

 * one cli for both client/server 
 * console support 
 * supporting users with a jump host 
 ** supporting windows users 
 ** supporting legacy ip users 
 * ordering as a first class citizen 
