


Task #7625

Updated by Nico Schottelius over 4 years ago

 [13:01] router1.place6:~# /etc/init.d/consul start 
 /etc/init.d/consul: .: line 39: can't open '/lib/lsb/init-functions': No such file or directory 
 [13:02] router1.place6:~# /etc/init.d/consul.apk-new    start 
  * Checking /etc/consul ... 
 Config validation failed: Multiple private IPv4 addresses found. Please configure one with 'bind' and/or 'advertise'.                                                                                            [ !! ] 
  * checkpath: owner `consul.apk-new:consul.apk-new' not found 
  * ERROR: consul.apk-new failed to start 
 [13:02] router1.place6:~#  

 h2. Follow up 

 * No init script deployment on alpine 
 * Modify data_dir 
 * Different configuration directory on alpine 
 * Should use the new interface template go syntax, however it did not work on testing 
