


Task #7650

Updated by Nico Schottelius over 4 years ago

* etcd prefix: /opennebula 

 h2. What to synchronise 

 * /opennebula/vm/<VM id> 
 ** all information about the VM 
 ** also terminated VMs 

 h2. Use cases 

 I want to be able to 

 * Get the current host of the VM 
 * Get the VNC port of a VM 
 * get the list of all disk images associated with a VM 
 * Need to know who is the owner of a VM 
 * Which VM has the IPv4/IPv6 address xxx? 

 h2. Step 1 

 * Get the data into etcd 

 h2. Step 2 

 * Create a script to extract answers to the use cases 
