


Task #12343

Updated by Nico Schottelius 11 months ago

* Might be a lightweight option for running in k8s 
 * Requires quite some work around it 
 * No management tooling 
 * Storage 
 ** For ceph probably need to use RBD mapped, rook supports that 
 ** For creating thin provisioning, probably need to create a wrapper/controller 
 * live migration 
 ** seems to be supported 
 * Networking unclear 
 ** macvtap support, see below 


 h2. live migration 

 * examples use same host migration 

 % cloud-hypervisor \ 
         --kernel ./hypervisor-fw \ 
         --disk path=focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.raw \ 
         --cpus boot=2 \ 
         --memory size=1024M \ 
         --net "tap=,mac=,ip=,mask=" --api-socket=/tmp/api1 

 [17:42] nb3:~% cloud-hypervisor --api-socket=/tmp/api2 

 # receive VM 
 ch-remote --api-socket=/tmp/api2 receive-migration unix:/tmp/sock 

 # send VM - fails 
 % ch-remote --api-socket=/tmp/api1 send-migration --local unix:/tmp/sock  
 Error running command: Server responded with an error: InternalServerError: ApiError(VmSendMigration(MigrateSend(Local migration requires shared memory or hugepages enabled))) 

 h2. Sketch for running VMs with cloud-hypervisor 

 * Manage networking outside 
 ** pod running potentially in hostnetwork 
 ** creating bridge depending on which customer it is 
 ** Potentially running IPAM on a per customer basis 
 ** Could potentially utilise netbox as a backend, but needs to be written 
 * Console access 
 ** read only via pod 
 ** serial forwarding unclear 
 * Disk management 
 ** Thin provisioning / templates needs to be built 
 ** Growing disks might be supported native by k8s/rook
