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Philipp Buehler, 05/31/2019 06:50 PM

Rookie Guide

Just some hints and points if you're attending Hack4Glarus the first time
h2. body supplies
h3. Drinks
- Water+Mate: just use the supplies in the little room across 'Entrance Forum'
- Coffee: help yourself with the nespresso machine, refilling with tap
water in the kitchen. new capsules are on the shelf on the way to the kitchen
- Kitchen: just on the opposite site of the "main stage"
- Fridge: you can use it (if space avail..), but do not take stuff that you didnt put in
h3. Food
We will provide some meals/snacks
- friday: dinner at 19
- fruit (on main table)
- breakfast: sandwiches provided (at xx o'clock)

For further needs see below.
h2. body needs
- toilets: pass the kitchen, after second door on the right side
- showers: pass the kitchen, after first door on the right side (three cabins)
- sleep: pass the kitchen, after second door on the left - or access via the kitchen

h3. groceries / necessities
If you need somethig special, forgot something. There is a small grocery
shop within a <10 min walk from the venue
- Location/Map:
- Opening hours: Mon-Sat 6-20; closed on Sunday!
(more description and pics in the redmine TT)
h3. ATM
Located <somewhere Schulhausstrasse>, takes $cards rate good/bad
Opening hours?

Sightseeing / Skiing
h3. Bergbahn
h3. Datacentre
We will do a guided tour on Sat/Sun XX hours
h3. Russian Invasion
Saturday at 11.

h3. Smoking
Just outside the "Entrance Forum", please use the ashtrays (mounted to wall)

Updated by Philipp Buehler almost 6 years ago · 1 revisions