Common operations on IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy » History » Version 4
Nico Schottelius, 05/05/2020 12:10 AM
1 | 1 | Timothée Floure | h1. Common operations on IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy |
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3 | {{toc}} |
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5 | *%{color:red}This document only concerns operations by ungleich staff. See [[How to use the IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy]] page for user documentation.%* |
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7 | h2. Status |
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9 | This document is *IN PRODUCTION*. |
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11 | h2. HTTP / HTTPS proxying. |
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13 | * It's configured by cdist, type @__ungleich_haproxy@ |
14 | * To add a domain, edit manifest/ungleich |
15 | 4 | Nico Schottelius | ** Find *either* *OR* |
16 | 1 | Timothée Floure | ** Verify that the domain has an AAAA entry |
17 | ** Add the domain using the "--v4proxy DOMAIN" parameter |
18 | ** Commit in git, push |
19 | 4 | Nico Schottelius | * Run cdist: (either of them) |
20 | ** @cdist config |
21 | ** @cdist config |
22 | 1 | Timothée Floure | |
23 | h3. Troubleshooting |
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25 | If the customer domain does not exist (anymore), haproxy will refuse to reload. In this case the customer domain has to be removed and the customer to be notified. |
26 | 2 | Timothée Floure | |
27 | h2. SMTP proxying (experimental) |
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29 | * Configured by cdist, type @__ungleich_smtp_proxy@. |
30 | * To add an entry, edit @manifest/ungleich@. |
31 | ** Find configuration entry for |
32 | 3 | Timothée Floure | ** Add @--proxy domain.tld@ entry to the @__ungleich_smtp_proxy@ type. Make sure that is not the primary MX of @domain.tld@:t we will have routing loops if it is the case. |
33 | 2 | Timothée Floure | ** Commit, push. |
34 | * Deploy with @cdist config -v |
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36 | h3. Troubleshooting |
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38 | Postfix's logs can be found in @/var/log/messages@ on |