


FAQ at Data Center Light » History » Revision 22

Revision 21 (Sanghee Kim, 08/09/2019 02:41 PM) → Revision 22/62 (Sanghee Kim, 08/19/2019 08:32 PM)

h1. FAQ at Data Center Light 


 h1. Power 


 h2. Q: Where do you get the electricity for running all the servers? 

 *A:* We are running all our datacenter by 100% renewable energy. 99.9% is from hydropower and 0.1% is from solar power. We have our own hydropower plant which uses the water from the Linth, a river coming from the Alps. You can check more on our hydropower plant here. 


 h1. VPN 

 h2. Q: How can I get an IPv6 VPN from you? 

 *A:* Install Wireguard and get back to us with the public key, we'll activate your IPv6 VPN. You can follow the steps below. 

 1. Install Wireguard 

 2. Create your private key: 
    umask 077; wg genkey > privkey 

 3. Get your public key 
    wg pubkey < privkey 

 4. Send us the pubkey to 

 5. We'll get back to you with your network definition. 

 h2. Q: How much is IPv6 VPN? 

 *A:* IPv6 VPN is 120 CHF/year, however it is free for all our VM customers as long as the VM is active. 

 h1. Storage 

 h2. Q: Can I add extra storage on my running VM? 

 *A:* You can add extra storage for the following pricing.  
 SDD storage is 3.5 CHF per 10 GB, HDD storage is 1.5 CHF per 100 GB. 
 You can write to us via for storage addition. 

 h1. Payments 

 h2. Q: Monthly billing is cumbersome. Can I pay with longer billing intervals? 

 *A:* On request, we provide 6 months and 1-year payment plans. For 1 year payment, you can also pay by bank transfer. 

 h2. Q: I don't have a credit card, can I still order VMs? 

 *A:* You can pay us via wire transfer for an annual subscription. For monthly pre-paid plans as seen on, we only support credit card payments at the moment. 

 h2. Q: Is payment via PayPal supported? 

 *A:* Payment via PayPal is not supported. 

 h1. Network 

 h2. Q: How can I get an IPv6 /64, /56, or /48 network for my VM? 

 *A:* Every customer can request a /64 per VM for free by email. For the request of a /56 or a /48, we provide it when it's a good use case, for 5 CHF per month. (excluding VAT) 

 h1. Bandwidth  

 h2. Q: What is the price for data usage for VMs? 

 *A:* We have a fair use policy for bandwidth, meaning there are no fees for network usage. However we have the right to suspend or terminate VMs that are misusing/way out of regular range. 

 h1. Termination of VM 

 h2. Q: I terminated my VM by accident via my dashboard, can it be revived? 

 *A:* When a VM is terminated by the user, it's terminated for good and we can't revive an already terminated VM. 

 h1. Features 

 h2. Q: There is a feature X missing in Data Center Light, how can I request it? 

 *A:* We open up our infrastructure to the public, you can check out our open tickets and request a new issue or even create your own solution. 

 h1. Colocation 

 h2. Q: Do you offer colocation? 

 *A:* We offer colocation for selective cases. Send us your plan and requirements to and we will get in touch with you. 

 h1. Doublup offer 

 h2. Q: What is doubleup offer and how does it work? 

 *A:* Doubleup means you get double times of what you ordered without extra charges. For example, if you ordered 1 CPU during CPU doubleup promotion, your VM will get a free upgrade to 2 CPU instead of 1 CPU. 

 h2. Q: What do I need to do for getting the doubleup? 

 *A:* For getting a doubleup all you need to do is ordering a VM during the doubleup promotion period and writing to us via For not missing out on our double up promotions, you can check out our sale page. 

 h2. Q: How long does the doubleup last? 

 *A:* Doubled up CPU or RAM lasts as long as your VM is active.  

 h1. Unanswered Questions 

 h2. Q: I didn't find the answer to my question, is there more information available? 

 *A:* Sure! You can visit our Open Infrastructure page and find the information you need.  
 You can also join our open chat and start a conversation there anytime.