


How to access servers with ssh » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Jin-Guk Kwon, 08/15/2019 01:55 PM) → Revision 5/6 (Jin-Guk Kwon, 08/15/2019 01:57 PM)

h1. How to access servers with ssh 

 You can connect to the host with ssh as the following. 
 If you named your key differently you need to replace `id_rsa` with your key name.  

 ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@your_host_ip 
 By default ssh use id_rsa key, so you can avoid `-i ~/.ssh/id_rsa`. ~/.ssh/id_rsa` so, you can use the following. 

 ssh user@your_host_ip 