


How to configure Arista switches » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Nico Schottelius, 07/10/2019 06:04 PM) → Revision 7/15 (Nico Schottelius, 07/10/2019 06:22 PM)

h1. How to configure Arista switches 


 h2. Saving your changes 

 If you don't enter write at the end, everything is lost after reboot. 


 h2. Entering conf mode 


 h2. Setting password 

 username admin secret <passwordhere> 

 h2. Setting name 

 hostname <NAME> 

 h2. Creating a VLAN 

 vlan <ID-OF-VLAN> 
 name <NAME-OF-VLAN> 

 h2. Putting a port into a untagged vlan 

 interface EthernetXX 
    switchport access vlan YY 

 h2. Creating a port channel (= LACP = bonding) 

 * go to the interface that you want to be in the port-channel 
 * configure it 

 interface EthernetXX 
    channel-group XX mode active 

 h2. Upgrading a switch 

 * copy the image from usb to flash 
 * change the boot config 
 * don't forget to write 
 * reload 

 copy usb1:/EOS-4.14.4.swi flash:/EOS-4.14.4.swi 
 configure terminal 
 boot system flash:/EOS-4.14.4.swi 
 show boot-config 


 h2. Configuring MLAG 

 * Create a port channel for communication 
 * Configure the mlag over it 
 * Assuming the switches are connected by ethernet 47 and ethernet 48 
 * Assuming that the switches use vlan 13 
 * ZZ = ip suffix of the switch 
 * WW = ip suffix of the other switch 
 * mlagdomain = something local 

 interface ethernet 47 
     channel-group 47 mode active 

 interface ethernet 48 
     channel-group 47 mode active 

 vlan 13 
    name mlag-aristas 
    trunk group mlag-aristas 

 interface Vlan13 
    no autostate 
    ip address 10.3.4.ZZ/24 

 mlag configuration 
    domain-id MLAGLOCALDOMAIN 
    local-interface Vlan13 VlanXX 
    peer-address 10.3.4.WW 
    peer-link Port-Channel47 Port-ChannelYY 



 h2. Configuring BGP 

 * XX = ip suffix 

 router bgp 209898 
    router-id 0.0.0.XX 
    bgp default ipv6-unicast 
    maximum-paths 4 
    bgp listen range 2a0a:e5c0:1:8::/64 peer-group ungleich remote-as 209898 
    neighbor ungleich peer-group 
    neighbor ungleich maximum-routes 12000  