



List of customer tickets » History » Revision 18

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David Hürlimann, 04/24/2014 04:55 PM

List of customer tickets




Open Tickets ≄ Maintenance
  • CERV-247 = #209 (Tobias)
  • BSU-88 = #102 (David)
  • ENTCA-70 = #104 (Tobias)
  • ENTI-140 = #19 (Nico)
  • ENTI-144 = #100 (David)
  • ENTI-145 = #101 (David)
  • UNI-549 = #236 (David)
No Tickets in our redmine
  • ENTI-123 (Add Entwine Hosts)
  • ENTI-135 (Write checks for matterhorn)
  • ENTI-126 (Apply configuration)
  • ENTI-125 (Implement initial version of ansible)
  • ENTI-117 (Spezify maintenance)
  • UNI-388 (Revitalize Graylog)
    • gehört eventuell zu (ENTI-145 = #101)
Open Issues

All open Panter Issues

h7. Open Issues with a Link to Panter

  • #13444 = pan-049; Migration auf neues Hosting = #184
  • #12493 = pan-049; Hosting 2014 aufsetzen = #117
  • #13322 = pan-049; Analyse memory usage = #225
  • #12970 = pan-049; Prozess für VM entfernen implementieren = #228
  • #12962 = pan-033; Zugriff für Philipp Knüsel entfernen = #229
  • #12121 = pan-033; cdist automatisch laufen lassen = #230
  • #8065 = mydump command is broken for rails user = #231
  • #12428 = ung-002; ccollect erweitern: per source lock, no remove patch = #232

h7. Tickets only in our redmine

  • #118 Task Seen Immediate Offerte Hosting Nico Schottelius 04/09/2014 10:16 AM
  • #248 Task Seen Urgent Add this line to cdist type (Security) David Hürlimann 04/24/2014 01:50 AM
  • #185 Task Seen High pan-049; Migrate to new VM David Hürlimann 04/01/2014 10:55 PM
  • #203 Bug Seen High Use new __ungleich_user_logview and add tail support David Hürlimann 04/22/2014 10:19 PM
  • #227 Task New High Neuer Server abu-production Nico Schottelius 04/16/2014 11:17 AM
  • #113 Task Seen Normal Think about replacing 03/21/2014 10:51 AM
  • #226 Task New Normal DJ on hev-forms-staging 04/15/2014 08:43 PM
  • #247 Bug Seen Normal Allow https AND http for Nico Schottelius 04/23/2014 09:46 AM
  • #188 Task Seen Low Make offer for collectd setup 04/18/2014 11:03 PM

h7. Weekly/Monthly Tickets

  • #44 Task Seen High Transfer time tracking into controllr David Hürlimann 04/02/2014 12:05 AM
  • #114 Task Seen Urgent Weekly report Nico Schottelius 04/10/2014 10:52 AM
  • #213 Task Feedback Urgent Take over backup maintenance Nico Schottelius 04/14/2014 06:28 PM

Updated by David Hürlimann about 10 years ago · 18 revisions