The ungleich VM console¶
- Table of contents
- The ungleich VM console
1. System Architecture¶
This service supports accessing console of your VM through guacamole service.
And To log-in VM console web needs account. User's accounts are syncronized with LDAP.
2. Set guacamole server¶
- run cdist
cd ~/.cdist; git pull; cdist config -bj7 -p9 -vv
- in manifest for centos
…… __guacamole_centos --ldap-hostname 'ldap server url' \ --ldap-port '636' \ --ldap-encryption-method 'ssl' \ --ldap-user-base-dn 'ou=XXX,dc=ungleich,dc=ch' \ --ldap-search-bind-password ‘refer to pass' \ --ldap-search-bind-dn 'cn=XXXXX,dc=ungleich,dc=ch' \ --ldap-username-attribute 'uid' \ --postgresql-hostname 'localhost' \ --postgresql-username 'USER name' \ --postgresql-database 'DB-name' \ --postgresql-port 'XXXX' \ --postgresql-password 'password' \ --TOTP \ --guacd-db 'postgresql'
- in manifest for alpine (only support postgresql)
…… _ungleich_vnc_console --ldap-hostname 'ldap server url' \ --ldap-port '636' \ --ldap-encryption-method 'ssl' \ --ldap-user-base-dn 'ou=XXX,dc=ungleich,dc=ch' \ --ldap-search-bind-password ‘refer to pass' \ --ldap-search-bind-dn 'cn=XXXXX,dc=ungleich,dc=ch' \ --ldap-username-attribute 'uid' \ --postgresql-hostname 'localhost' \ --postgresql-username 'USER name' \ --postgresql-database 'DB-name' \ --postgresql-port 'XXXX' \ --postgresql-password 'password' \ --TOTP \ --opn-hostname 'opennebula host-server name' \ --opn-key 'opennebula access key' \ --guacd-db 'postgresql'
3. Create VNC connection for VM¶
1) git clone ungleich-tool(vnc_console_connection, it has cloned by __ungleich_vnc_console cdist)¶
2) set vnc connection automatically on vnc_console server¶
(1) vnc connection python¶
- : get user list from ldap server
- : update postgresql database with vnc connection info
- : create vnc_connecion info
- : config parameter
(2) create crontab¶
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * python3 /opt/ungleich-tools/vnc_console_connection/ # __cron/console_connection
4. Monitoring VNC console¶
- We are monitoring VNC console with prometheus.
- run cdist __dcl_monitoring_server(update prometheus.yml)
※User VM information is synchronized with the VM console every 5 minute. If you create VM right now, you can access VM console after 5 minutes.(vnc connection script takes about in 15 seconds.)¶
Updated by Jin-Guk Kwon about 5 years ago · 6 revisions