


The ungleich VNC console » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Jin-Guk Kwon, 01/31/2020 01:51 PM) → Revision 10/13 (Jin-Guk Kwon, 01/31/2020 01:52 PM)

h1. The ungleich VNC console 


 h2. 1. System Architecture 

 This service supports    accessing console of your VM through guacamole service. 
 And To log-in VNC console web needs account. User's accounts are syncronized with LDAP. 


 h2. 2. Set guacamole server 

 - run cdist 

 cd ~/.cdist; git pull; cdist config -bj7 -p9 -vv 

 - in manifest  

         __guacamole_centos    --ldap-hostname 'ldap server url' \ 
           --ldap-port '636' \ 
           --ldap-encryption-method 'ssl' \ 
           --ldap-user-base-dn 'ou=XXX,dc=ungleich,dc=ch' \ 
           --ldap-search-bind-password ‘refer to pass' \ 
           --ldap-search-bind-dn 'cn=XXXXX,dc=ungleich,dc=ch' \ 
           --ldap-username-attribute 'uid' \ 
           --postgresql-hostname 'localhost' \ 
           --postgresql-username 'USER name' \ 
           --postgresql-database 'DB-name' \ 
           --postgresql-port       'XXXX' \ 
           --postgresql-password 'password' \ 
           --TOTP \ 
           --guacd-db 'postgresql' 

 h2. 3. Create VNC connection for VM  


 h3. 1) install postgresql on opennebual server 

 apt install postgresql-client 

 h3. 2) config postgresql for accessing from external host(%{color:blue}it host(it is excuted by cdist) 

 - vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf on guacamole server(desktop) 

 listen_addresses = '*' 

 - vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf on guacamole server(desktop) 

 host      all           all              opennbula server address trust 

 - Restart postgresql 

 systemctl restart postgresql 

 h3. 3) set vnc connection automatically on opennebula server 

 h4. (1) vnc connection script 

 - vm_list_dual_uid : create VM list file(uid, email, VM Number, host, VNC port) ( 

 - create-guacamole-session-ldap-db : create VNC connection on desktop ( 

 h4. (2) create crontab 

 crontab -e 

 15 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * ./vm_list_dual_uid #create vm_list 
 45 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * ./create-guacamole-session-ldap-db vm_vnc_list #create vm_list 

 h2. 4. Monitoring VNC console 

 - We are monitoring VNC console with prometheus. 
 - run cdist __dcl_monitoring_server(update prometheus.yml) 

 h2. %{color:blue}※User VM information is synchronized with the VNC console every hour. If you create VM right now, you can access VNC console after one hour.(vnc connection script takes about 7~8 minutes.)%