


The ungleich monitoring infrastructure » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Nico Schottelius, 07/04/2020 09:05 PM) → Revision 9/35 (Nico Schottelius, 07/05/2020 11:51 AM)

h1. The ungleich monitoring infrastructure 


 h2. Introduction 

 We use the following technology / products for the monitoring: 

 * consul (service discovery) 
 * prometheus (exporting, gathering, alerting) 
 * Grafana (presenting) 

 Prometheus and grafana are located on the monitoring control machines 


 h2. Consul 

 We use a consul cluster for each datacenter (e.g. place5 and place6).  
 The servers are located on the physical machines (red{1..3} resp. black{1..3}) and the agents are running on all other monitored machines (such as servers and VMs) 

 consul is configured to publish the service its host is providing (e.g. the exporters) 

 There is a inter-datacenter communication (wan gossip) [] 

 h2. Prometheus 

 Prometheus is responsible to get all data out (exporters) of the monitored host and store them. Also to send out alerts if needed (alertmanager) 

 h3. Exporters 

 * Node (host specific metrics (e.g. CPU-, RAM-, Disk-usage..)) 
 * Ceph (Ceph specific metrics (e.g. pool usage, osds ..)) 
 * blackbox (Metrics about online state of http/https services) 

 The node exporter is located on all monitored hosts 
 Ceph exporter is porvided by ceph itself and is located on the ceph manager. 
 The blackbox exporter is located on the monitoring control machine itself. 

 h3. Alerts 

 We configured the following alerts: 

 * ceph osds down 
 * ceph health state is not OK 
 * ceph quorum not OK 
 * ceph pool disk usage too high 
 * ceph disk usage too high 
 * instance down 
 * disk usage too high 
 * Monitored website down 

 h2. Grafana 

 Grafana provides dashboards for the following: 

 * Node (metrics about CPU-, RAM-, Disk and so on usage) 
 * blackbox (metrics about the blackbox exporter) 
 * ceph (important metrics from the ceph exporter) 

 h3. Authentication 

 The grafana authentication works over ldap. (See [[The ungleich LDAP guide]]) 
 All users in the @devops@ group will be mapped to the Admin role, all other users will be Viewers 

 h2. Monit 

 We use "monit": for monitoring and restarting daemons. See `__ungleich_monit` type in dot-cdist. 

 h2. Misc 

 * You're probably looking for the `__dcl_monitoring_server` type, which centralize a bunch of stuff. 
 * This page needs some love! 

 h2. Service/Customer monitoring 

 * A few blackbox things can be found on the datacenter monitoring infrastructure. 
 * There's a new prometheus+grafana setup at, deployed by @fnux for Matrix-as-a-Service monitoring. At time of writing, it also monitors the VPN server and staticwebhosting. No alertmanager yet. Partially manual. 

 h2. Monitoring Guide 


 h3. Configuring prometheus 

 Use @promtool check config@ to verify the configuration. 

 [21:02:48] server1.place11:~# promtool check config /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml  
 Checking /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml 
   SUCCESS: 4 rule files found 

 Checking /etc/prometheus/blackbox.rules 
   SUCCESS: 3 rules found 

 Checking /etc/prometheus/ceph-alerts.rules 
   SUCCESS: 8 rules found 

 Checking /etc/prometheus/node-alerts.rules 
   SUCCESS: 8 rules found 

 Checking /etc/prometheus/uplink-monitoring.rules 
   SUCCESS: 1 rules found 


 h3. Querying prometheus 

 Use @promtool query instant@ to query values: 

 [21:00:26] server1.place11:~# promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 'probe_success{dc="place5"} == 1' 
 probe_success{dc="place5", instance="", job="routers-place5", protocol="ipv4", sensiblehostname="router1"} => 1 @[1593889492.577] 
 probe_success{dc="place5", instance="", job="routers-place5", protocol="ipv4", sensiblehostname="router2"} => 1 @[1593889492.577] 
 probe_success{dc="place5", instance="2001:1700:3500::12", job="routers-place5", protocol="ipv6", sensiblehostname="router2"} => 1 @[1593889492.577] 
 probe_success{dc="place5", instance="2001:1700:3500::2", job="routers-place5", protocol="ipv6", sensiblehostname="router1"} => 1 @[1593889492.577] 

 h3. Using Grafana 

 * Username for changing items: "admin" 
 * Username for viewing dashboards: "ungleich" 
 * Passwords in the password store