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Nico Schottelius, 05/15/2019 04:03 PM

The ungleich routing infrastructure


This article is IN PROGRESS.

Peer with us!

If you have a VM / IPv6 network from us and want to peer with us, the following steps should help you:

  • Send a request to support at containing your
    • ASN
    • Networks

ungleich routers

To BGP peer with us, you will need to establish 2 BGP sessions (for redundancy reasons). The routers depend on the IPv6 that your endpoint has:

Your VM is in ... ... then peer with
2a0a:e5c0:0:2::/64 2a0a:e5c0:0:2::3 2a0a:e5c0:0:2::4
2a0a:e5c0:0:5::/64 2a0a:e5c0:0:5::3 2a0a:e5c0:0:5::4
2a0a:e5c0:2:2::/64 2a0a:e5c0:2:2::5 2a0a:e5c0:2:2::6

You will receive the full IPv6 routing table from us.

Configuration for you (the peer)

If you are using bird for peering, your configuration can look similar to this:

# Adjust filters to your own preference
filter from_ungleich {
filter to_ungleich {

protocol bgp ungleichrouter1 {
    local as YOURASN;
    neighbor SELECT_FROM_TABLE_ABOVE1 as 209898;

    import filter from_ungleich;
    export filter to_ungleich;

protocol bgp ungleichrouter2 {
    local as YOURASN;
    neighbor SELECT_FROM_TABLE_ABOVE2 as 209898;

    import filter from_ungleich;
    export filter to_ungleich;

Configuration for ungleich

These instructions are for ungleich staff.

  • Create / edit in the cdist type __ungleich_bgp_router:
    • ${peer}_v6.conf (very similar to the peer example above)
    • bird6.conf: define networks of peer (net_${peer})
    • general.conf: add appropriate filters
  • Apply bgp configuration or full cdist config
    • cdist config -vvp6 -bj5 router{..}.place{..} # full
    • echo __ungleich_bgp_router | cdist config -i - -vvp6 -bj5 router{..}.place{..} # routing only
  • Verify that config has been applied
    • bird6c
    • conf
    • show route protocol $peer


Our networks are registered with ripe.


All objects should have the mnt-by flag of mnt-ungleich. This maintainer handle is usable by all our LIR accounts.


A cli for accessing RIPE's rest interface is developed on

Updated by Nico Schottelius about 5 years ago · 4 revisions