Task #6983
closedSetup networking for bluecmd/mainframe
ll nu
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PM Check date:
- vlan 26/27 as additionaly
- needs to create bond0.25 on routers as well
- Network: 2a0a:e5c0:6::/48
- Transfer network: 2a0a:e5c0:1:9::/64
- Endpoint ungleich: 2a0a:e5c0:1:9::7
- Endpoint bluecmd: 2a0a:e5c0:1:9::1
VLANs that go to VM 24555¶
- Create bond0.X interfaces on all place6 servers
- Create networks in opennebula (L2 only)
- Connect networks to the VM
- VLAN ids are in [[datacenterlight:Networking]]
Updated by Nico Schottelius over 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
To be done
Tasks done:
- Create interface bond0.25 on routers
Update cdist configApply to routers using cdist
Create vlans {25,26,27} on switches in place6- 25 = bluecmd-public
- 26 = bluecmd-mgmt
- 27 = bluecmd-storage
Configure trunk ports on switch1, switch2 and set allowed vlans to 25,26,27Port: 31 on both switches (verify using show interface status)
- Routing
Updated keepalived configuration in cdist to provide :7 addressAdd route for 2a0a:e5c0:6::/48 in the bgp configuration
- Create networks in opennebula on bond0: tag 26,27
- No IP addresses
- Attach one interface of each to the VM 24555
Updated by ll nu over 5 years ago
switches in place6
- switch 1 and 2
vlan 25
name bluecmd-public
vlan 26
name bluecmd-mgmt
vlan 27
name bluecmd-storage
interface Ethernet31
switchport trunk allowed vlan 25-27
switchport mode trunk
Updated by ll nu over 5 years ago
- switch 3-6
vlan 25
name bluecmd-public
vlan 26
name bluecmd-mgmt
vlan 27
name bluecmd-storage
Updated by ll nu over 5 years ago
- Opennebula:
vlan in "add networks" is under "802.1Q"
created vlans and attached to vm #24555:
bluecmd-mgmt vlan-26
bluecmd-storage vlan-27
cluster: place6
bridge: br-bluecmd-mgmt // br-bluecmd-stor
mtu / guest_mtu 9000
physical dev: bond0
Updated by Nico Schottelius over 5 years ago
Well done writes: