Task #7523
closedTCP/UDP Services supported by IP4-to-IP6 incoming proxy and NAT64 outgoing gateway
List of services, as well as the following parameters:
Currently supported { officially unofficially partially unsupported }
" " TLS
Theoretically possible { yes partly no }
" " TLS
td.V {font-weight: bold; background-color: green;}
td._ {font-style: underline; background-color: yellow;}
td.X {font-style: strikethru; background-color: red;}
<h3>IPv4-to-IPv6 incoming gateway</h3>
Note that in the majority of cases services require configuring with cdist in order to work.
<th>Name</th><th>Port / Transfer Protocol</th><th>TLS port</th><th cellspan="2">Currently supported (plaintext/TLS)</th><th cellspan="2">Theoretically possible (plain/TLS)</th><th>Comments</th>
<td style="V">80 tcp</td><td style="V">443 tcp</td>
<td style="X">53 tcp</td><td style="X">953 tcp</td>
<td>Requires a semi-recursive DNS server on the gateway which resolves via the AAAA record of the domain's name servers</td>
<td style="X">143 tcp</td><td style="V">993 tcp (unofficial)</td>
<td style="X">25</td><td style="X">465</td>
<td>Requires a relay mail server on the gateway configured with all domains of IPv6 machines via cdist</td>
<th>Others - please add</th>