



Task #7750


Adding v4 support to s3-rgw gateway

Added by ll nu about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

ll nu
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
PM Check date:


TODO: switching to ipv6-proxy -> wildcard domains? performance impact?

V4 address added from Opennebula

Right now the ip addresses are hardcoded in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf because I've encountered a bug that needs further time to solve.

rgw_frontends = "civetweb port= port=[2a0a:e5c0:2:12:0:f0ff:fea9:c438]:443s ssl_certificate=/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.s3/rgwtls.pem num_threads=6" 

Infos on bug:

When "civetweb port=443s" is specified only, it only binds to v4.
When "civetweb port=443s port=[::]:443" or "civetweb port= port=[::]:443" then civetweb doesnt run:

2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 framework: civetweb
2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 framework conf key: port, val: 443s
2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 framework conf key: port, val: [::]:443s
2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 framework conf key: ssl_certificate, val: /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.s3/rgwtls.pem
2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 framework conf key: num_threads, val: 6
2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 deferred set uid:gid to 167:167 (ceph:ceph)
2020-02-17 12:49:29.324 55871a4000c0  0 ceph version 3.10.2-119-gbf2d3e866c (bf2d3e866cdb33010369e75f4253e925d4c7c96f) nautilus (stable), process radosgw, pid 9064
2020-02-17 12:49:29.334 55871a4000c0  0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2020-02-17 12:49:29.334 55871a4000c0  0 ext_mime_map_init failed to open file=/etc/mime.types : (2) No such file or directory
2020-02-17 12:49:40.084 55871a4000c0  0 starting handler: civetweb
2020-02-17 12:49:40.104 55871a4000c0  0 civetweb: 0x5587187bbaa0: cannot bind to IPv6 [::]:443s: 98 (Address in use)
2020-02-17 12:49:40.104 55871a4000c0 -1 ERROR: failed run

2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 framework: civetweb
2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 framework conf key: port, val:
2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 framework conf key: port, val: [::]:443s
2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 framework conf key: ssl_certificate, val: /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.s3/rgwtls.pem
2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 framework conf key: num_threads, val: 6
2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 deferred set uid:gid to 167:167 (ceph:ceph)
2020-02-17 12:50:01.604 55e945c5b0c0  0 ceph version 3.10.2-119-gbf2d3e866c (bf2d3e866cdb33010369e75f4253e925d4c7c96f) nautilus (stable), process radosgw, pid 9168
2020-02-17 12:50:01.644 55e945c5b0c0  0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2020-02-17 12:50:01.674 55e945c5b0c0  0 ext_mime_map_init failed to open file=/etc/mime.types : (2) No such file or directory
2020-02-17 12:50:03.034 55e945c5b0c0  0 starting handler: civetweb
2020-02-17 12:50:03.054 55e945c5b0c0  0 civetweb: 0x55e9442c0aa0: cannot bind to IPv6 [::]:443s: 98 (Address in use)
2020-02-17 12:50:03.054 55e945c5b0c0 -1 ERROR: failed run
Actions #1

Updated by ll nu about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Waiting to Closed

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