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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3106 Digitale Bildung ungleich Task Rejected Normal Erstelle eine erste, kleine Webseite für den Verein Mihreteab Tesfahannes 05/10/2018 03:17 PM Actions
6171 hack4glarus-2018-winter Task Closed Normal Setup a IPv6 router in the coworking network Dominique Schuwey 12/30/2018 12:13 AM Actions
6169 hack4glarus-2018-winter Task Closed Normal Create OpenNebula packages for arm64 and setup opennebula on Marc Auer 12/30/2018 12:13 AM Actions
6161 hack4glarus-2018-winter Task Closed Normal Prepare the introduction speech Nico Schottelius 12/30/2018 12:13 AM Actions
6160 hack4glarus-2018-winter Task Closed Normal Prepare the entrance booth and registration process Sanghee Kim 12/05/2018 01:19 PM Actions
6755 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Create 2 new DNS servers on 2 APUs configured with cdist Elia Kessler 06/02/2019 08:46 PM Actions
6752 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Create a VMM API and create a reference implementation Evil Ham 06/02/2019 08:49 PM Actions
6745 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Setup an IPv6 only kubernetes clusters Johannes Meixner 06/02/2019 08:44 PM Actions
6518 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Topics Hack4Glarus 2019 Nico Schottelius 06/02/2019 08:44 PM Actions
6744 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Setup an APU as an OpenBSE router Philipp Buehler 06/01/2019 09:35 AM Actions
6751 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Create a new OpenBSD service: systemd Reyk Floeter 06/28/2019 01:54 PM Actions
6743 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Create OpenBSD image with OpenNebula contextualisation including resize Reyk Floeter 06/08/2019 06:28 PM Actions
6742 hack4glarus-2019-summer Task Closed Normal Setup Mikrotik Router for IPv6 network Samuel Hailu 06/04/2019 09:53 AM Actions
7366 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game Den Ivanov 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7379 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Explore an "any name DNS service" Kamila Součková 08/12/2021 09:55 PM Actions
7365 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create an IPv6 only bootable network ll nu 12/09/2019 11:57 AM Actions
7390 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Boot alpine via IPv6 netboot from the arm64 servers Samuel Hailu 12/29/2020 11:50 AM Actions
7389 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Setup a webserver on the APU, create an ipxe script and add bootable files Samuel Hailu 10/06/2020 01:36 PM Actions
7397 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7387 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create an iPXE binary WITHOUT ipv4 support (only IPv6) 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7385 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create a new service named "ipv6" that offers in ipv6 networkservices 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7381 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Monitor lorawan temperature sensors with prometheus + grafana 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7378 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7368 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Setup an ARM64 virtualisation server with alpine 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7367 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Setup ARM64 IPv6 only netbooting 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7363 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Rejected Normal cdist crash course (~30m) 11/29/2019 11:47 AM Actions
7359 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Define how to properly use docker in ipv6 only networks 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7358 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Compare mastodon servers && create cdist manifest of the easier one 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7356 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Provide the most awesome self hosted apps 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7354 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create a NAT4664 PoC 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7352 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Find a way to update mikrotik routers in IPv6 only networks 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7350 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Add automatic / scheduled configuration support to cdist 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7349 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create a wifi bridge from Diesbach to Luchsingen 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7348 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create a devuan ucloud image 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7347 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create an Alpine ucloud image 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7346 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create an OpenBSD ucloud image 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7344 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create a matrix/mattermost bridge to and a cdist type for it 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7343 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create an automated routing daemon (IPv6) 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7342 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Create an RFC for adding DoT and DoH options to IPv6 router advertisements 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
7341 hack4glarus-2019-winter Task Closed Normal Port ucloud to OpenBSD 01/02/2024 12:28 PM Actions
8673 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Closed Normal The IPv6 ULA registry project Ahmed Bilal 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8672 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Closed Normal The Django hacking project: cats on IPv6 Ahmed Bilal 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8677 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Closed Normal IPv6 only hackathon radio Guifi Pedro 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8678 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Closed Normal Turning everything into an IPv6 server Moritz Buhl 12/06/2020 03:51 PM Actions
8690 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Closed Normal Hack4Glarus presentation / closing notes Nico Schottelius 12/06/2020 03:51 PM Actions
8688 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Closed Normal Enabling fancy LED lighting for Christmas messages in the Hacking Villa Nico Schottelius 12/06/2020 03:51 PM Actions
8686 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Rejected Normal Create a simple web interface to trigger cdist 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8681 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Rejected Normal Test ceph *on* k8s 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8680 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Rejected Normal Build a kubernetes cluster that uses ceph as a storage backend 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8679 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Rejected Normal Build an IPv6 only kubernetes cluster 12/06/2020 03:50 PM Actions
8674 hack4glarus-2020-winter Task Rejected Normal The Jitsi video conf with video recording project 12/04/2020 01:17 PM Actions
11866 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Rejected Normal Try to create VMs using kubevirt Nico Schottelius 07/07/2023 09:09 PM Actions
11862 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal [grab me] automate creating k8s clusters in IPv6 environments Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 12:37 PM Actions
11854 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal Let Peter login to redmine this year Nico Schottelius 07/07/2023 06:34 PM Actions
11851 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal Create a concept for attracting international visitors in Digital Glarus Peter Schwindt 01/02/2024 12:36 PM Actions
11863 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal [grab me] setup an nat64 service in k8s 01/02/2024 12:37 PM Actions
11856 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal [grab me] Setup pixelfed in k8s 01/02/2024 12:37 PM Actions
11855 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal [grab me] Setup lemmy in k8s 01/02/2024 12:37 PM Actions
11852 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal [grab me, networking] Create a direct wifi link to a spot as far away as possible 01/02/2024 12:37 PM Actions
11848 hack4glarus-2023-summer Task Closed Normal [grab me ] Create a webapp that allows to create VMs in kubernetes 01/02/2024 12:36 PM Actions
8236 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Modify python3 -m http.server to bind to IPv6 by default Mondi Ravi 01/02/2024 01:47 PM Actions
8238 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Modify nodejs to bind on IPv6 by default Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 01:47 PM Actions
8237 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Modify flask to bind on IPv6 by default Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 01:47 PM Actions
8235 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Fix software to bind on IPv6 by default Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 02:11 PM Actions
8094 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Test ubiquiti UAP-AC-Lite, UAP-AC-LR and UAP-AC-Pro-Gen2 in IPv6 only networks Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 02:44 PM Actions
7704 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Regular vendor pings (1x/month) for IPv6 compatibility Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 02:18 PM Actions
7405 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Explore IPv6 compatible IoT devices Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 02:18 PM Actions
7015 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Create a decentralised, global display based on IPv6 Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 02:18 PM Actions
6405 ipv6 Task Rejected Normal Create a new IPv6 game (working title: IPv6 treasure hunt) Nico Schottelius 01/02/2024 02:18 PM Actions
7649 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Sketch a VM backup & restore Ahmed Bilal 01/02/2024 01:57 PM Actions
7519 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal uncloud test run 2019-12-21 Ahmed Bilal 01/13/2020 03:14 AM Actions
7283 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Cleanups for ucloud 0.0.2 Ahmed Bilal 11/25/2019 11:58 AM Actions
7191 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Low Setup time servers and monitor time differences Ahmed Bilal 08/09/2021 03:18 PM Actions
7172 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Setup new VM/service: Ahmed Bilal 12/04/2019 10:05 AM Actions
7139 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Approach Azure, AWS, Softwayer, OpenStack and Cloudstack users and ask them about their opinion Ahmed Bilal 09/23/2019 06:39 PM Actions
6909 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Accept units in ucloud-api, but store in non-unit format Ahmed Bilal 10/25/2019 12:58 PM Actions
6902 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Document the ucloud services and APIs in the open infrastructure Ahmed Bilal 07/04/2019 02:17 PM Actions
6876 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Define ucloud JSON formats Ahmed Bilal 07/04/2019 02:18 PM Actions
6875 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Create ucloud-scheduler Ahmed Bilal 11/28/2019 08:25 PM Actions
6872 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Create ucloud-vm Ahmed Bilal 11/28/2019 08:33 PM Actions
6871 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Create ucloud-api Ahmed Bilal 11/28/2019 08:32 PM Actions
6326 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal [user request] Support SEPA payments for VMs/Storage Amal Elshihaby 01/02/2024 02:02 PM Actions
7027 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Add new command to cdist / extend cdist to easily generate preos with ssh pubkey Darko Poljak 12/07/2021 01:18 AM Actions
6988 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Fix cdist configuration run on monitoring.place6 Dominique Roux 08/22/2019 08:29 PM Actions
5810 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Document our mailsetup Dominique Roux 02/15/2019 10:09 AM Actions
6913 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Limit the amount of backup data on webmail Evil Ham 07/02/2019 03:52 PM Actions
6557 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Rebuild the whole DCL infrastructure - aka place9 Jason Kim 10/07/2020 11:12 AM Actions
8651 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Implement floating IPs Jin-Guk Kwon 01/02/2024 02:12 PM Actions
7427 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Rough draft to support console on our VMs Jin-Guk Kwon 01/02/2024 02:06 PM Actions
7190 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Add mdadm monitoring via prometheus Jin-Guk Kwon 01/03/2024 10:54 AM Actions
6683 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Fix OpenNebula vxlan creation / check differences to manual creation Jin-Guk Kwon 06/25/2019 10:25 PM Actions
6071 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal [user request] Checkout how to enable AES-NI or PCLMULQDQ CPU features Jin-Guk Kwon 01/02/2024 12:55 PM Actions
5944 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another Jin-Guk Kwon 11/16/2018 10:57 AM Actions
7632 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Immediate Setup rados / s3 storage on ceph ll nu 02/24/2020 11:57 PM Actions
7631 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Report details about pleroma problems to upstream ll nu 02/25/2020 12:06 AM Actions
7438 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Explore local ucloud setup ll nu 01/02/2020 03:30 PM Actions
7437 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Run ucloud with a single authentication token ll nu 01/02/2020 03:30 PM Actions
7409 Open Infrastructure Task Closed Normal Replace ipv4 on internal routes with multip protocol IPv6 ll nu 02/25/2020 12:11 AM Actions
7312 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal Ensure that all available disks are correctly used in ceph ll nu 06/11/2020 09:36 AM Actions
7248 Open Infrastructure Task Rejected Normal reinstall server1.place4 ll nu 10/21/2019 10:35 PM Actions
(1-100/325) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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