Task #6435
Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 6 years ago
Version 1.0 content: * Add button "applications" to list applications of people ** A user can see their own applications ** A user who has a job can see applications below the job * Allow users to continue the conversation after initial exchange ** support in system "messages" ** we might think about integrating something like matrix.org later * Allow creator to "delete" a job ** should still stay in the DB, but not visible to the public anymore ** Can (should?) still be visible to the creator (and could potentially be reactivated) ** Right term is de-activate. We don't offer delete. * Ensure that we don't reference ANY IPv4 content ** code.jquery.com was mentioned on https://www.reddit.com/r/ipv6/comments/aow4kr/i_just_launched_an_open_source_ipv6_only/ * Checkout responsiveness / ensure it is displayed nicely on mobile ** Also mentioned on reddit As usual, app is deployed / updated on the machine.