Task #12340
Updated by Nico Schottelius 11 months ago
* And whether we can run openstack with it
* https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/
h2. communication
* https://matrix.ungleich.ch/#/room/#_oftc_openstack-helm:matrix.org
* https://app.slack.com/client/T09NY5SBT/C3WERB7DE
h2. Components
* https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/install/deploy_openstack_backend.html
* https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/install/deploy_openstack.html
h3. OpenStack client
* Is installed on the local machine
* Installs some python and creates a config file
h3. Ingress
* for outside reachability
h3. rabbitmq
h3. MariaDB
h3. Memcached
h3. Keystone
* Identity management
* ./tools/deployment/component/keystone/keystone.sh
h3. Heat
* Templating / infra
* Unclear
* ./tools/deployment/component/heat/heat.sh
h3. Glance
* Image service
* ./tools/deployment/component/glance/glance.sh
h3. Placement, Nova, Neutron
* OpenStack Nova is the compute service
* Neutron is the networking service
* Using openswitch, probably in hostnetwork mode (guess)
cd ~/osh/openstack-helm
h3. Cinder
* block storage service
* probably interacts with ceph
cd ~/osh/openstack-helm
h2. Image management (ceph?)