



From 11/06/2018 to 12/05/2018


11:33 AM Task #6071 (In Progress): [user request] Checkout how to enable AES-NI or PCLMULQDQ CPU features
*CPU which support AES-NI*
The following Intel processors support the AES-NI instruction set
Westmere ...
Jin-Guk Kwon


11:21 AM Task #6071 (Rejected): [user request] Checkout how to enable AES-NI or PCLMULQDQ CPU features
* A customer requested support for this feature(s).
* Currently we emulate a Qemu virtual cpu, which allows us to mi...
Nico Schottelius
10:57 AM Task #5944 (Closed): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
Nico Schottelius


09:27 PM Task #5922: [user request] Add sieve support to our mailserver
+watcher Nico Schottelius
11:36 AM Task #5944 (Feedback): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
Jin-Guk Kwon


11:50 PM Task #6052 (Rejected): Document IPv6 routing service
* In coordination w/ Kamila
* Debian: persisting below /etc/network/interfaces.d/ipv6-routed.cfg...
Nico Schottelius
09:13 PM Task #6049 (Rejected): Publish / document our Kubernetes / IPv6 experiences
Nico Schottelius


06:27 AM Task #5944: Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
*<add new IPV4>*
1. onevm poweroff <VM ID> or click poweroff on opennebula web
2. click attach IP config on open...
Jin-Guk Kwon
05:51 AM Task #5944: Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
*<Move image>*
if you want to migrate a VM from one place to another
1. onevm list
#for finding "SOURCE-VM...
Jin-Guk Kwon
05:25 AM Task #5944: Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
*<Move host>*
if you want to move monitoring host, you can do that as below sequence.
ex) from server2.place5 to ...
Jin-Guk Kwon


04:49 PM Task #5984 (Closed): Document gitlab setup
* How it works
* How is it connected to other services
* How to add a repository
* How it is updated
* Guide usab...
Dominique Roux


07:42 PM Task #5940 (Closed): Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
Done including documentation.... Nico Schottelius
06:17 PM Task #5940: Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
* Updated glue records for dns{1..3} Nico Schottelius
05:51 PM Task #5940: Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
* Introducing as internal names to be used... Nico Schottelius
05:42 PM Task #5940 (In Progress): Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
Taking to me as some servers don't respond correctly && we should update this Nico Schottelius
11:54 AM Task #5944 (In Progress): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
Starting right now Nico Schottelius

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