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Timothée Floure, 03/20/2020 02:05 PM
Expand doc for MaaS VM allocation

Common operations on X-as-a-Service


Contact customer for setup informations

Do not forget to replace $CUSTMER!


I will deploy your Matrix homeserver and need a few configuration details from
you. I do not know how familiar you are with Matrix or technical terms:
do not hesitate to tell me if I go to fast or to slow for you.

First of all, each Matrix homeserver is linked to domain name (you users will look
like `@username:domain.tld`) for federation. I can offer you two options here,
but remember that the chosen domain name cannot be changed afterward:

  * Your own domain (e.g. domain.tld).
  * One domain controlled by ungleich (e.g. $,

Secondly, I will deploy a Riot web matrix client for convenience (you can use
the desktop or smartphone clients as well) and need a domain for that as well:

  * Your own domain (e.g. matrix.domain.tld)
  * One domain controlled by ungleich (e.g. matrix.$

Lastly, I will configure the Matrix homeserver for you. You can ask us to set
any configuration option but we at least need to know your preferences in term
of registration:
  * Should it be backed by an existing user directory (LDAP)?
  * Should registrations be filtered by domain of email address? (e.g. anyone
    with a @domain.tld email address can register).
  * Should anyone be allowed to register?

Feel free to ask me any matrix-related question, as I am a heavy matrix user

Best Regards,


Deploy new MaaS instance

WIP -> ask @Timothée Floure for now.

  • Contact customer to get configuration details (this might take some time => do it first).
  • Allocate VM in OpenNebula, based on Debian 10 (IPv6Only).
  • Attach HDD storage to created VM (Help: Common operations at DCLIPv6OnlyHosting).
    - Create EXT4 filesystem: mkfs.ext4 $DEVICE
    - Add FSTAB entry for /var on $DEVICE.
    - Get UUID with blkid.
    - Should look like: UUID=$MY_UUID /var ext4 errors=remount-ro 1 2
    - Mount data disk on /mnt.
    - Move content of /var to /mnt.
    - Unmount data disk from /mnt.
    - Mount data disk to /var with mount -a (uses configuration in /etc/fstab).
    - Reboot and make sure that /var is properly mounted.
  • Upgrade VM: update/upgrade.
  • Add DNS entry in
  • Add server to matrix-as-a-service manifest, deploy
  • Have customer configure his domain.
  • Create initial admin use.

Upgrade a running MaaS instance

TODO -> ask @Timothée Floure for now.

Deploy Matterbridge application service

TODO -> ask @Timothée Floure for now.

Updated by Timothée Floure almost 5 years ago · 5 revisions