


Customer Backup » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (Dominique Roux, 02/01/2021 09:36 AM) → Revision 15/20 (Dominique Roux, 02/01/2021 10:08 AM)

h1. Managed Customer Backup 


 *%{color:green}This document concerns end-users/customers. See [[datacenterlight:Backup]] page for server-side documentation.%* 

 h2. Status 

 This document is *a DRAFT*. 

 h2. VM Backup 

 h3. Overview 

 * Official product page: 
 * Related DatacenterLight FAQ entry: 

 We make use of the "ccollect": software, which runs every day at 3AM Europe/Zurich. The backup server and storage clusters are in a location (place5) physically separated from the customer VMs (place6). 

 h2. VM Backup 

 h3. FAQ 

 h4. How to enable this service? 

 You will have to contact our support and give them the following details: 

 * Address of the VM to backup (IPv6 or domain with AAAA field). 
 * Directories to backup. Default is @/@ excluding @/sys@ and @/proc@. 

 "ccollect": makes use of @rsync@ to transfer data and needs to connect to your server over SSH (rsync itself is not encrypted!). You need to configure an user - root for a full system backup - with the following SSH key (to put in @~/.ssh/authorized_keys@): 

 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC7LsZp048K5D2kSWwiI5fux5pv4Ji7eTtMZGpOu0MviZEuGG3T5NeSKPmdlG1Rr3/oLpIqaFPzB7la3SI0OX5/E3v/yWcSrIsXdoIlSJMx7yaWrd4rm3yICukg4v5cZm2iDGBzIffpRxN1aPg46XnwmSvID3dD18yHMfgKyOFJgMwpTeI0d+K99cRYdf0D+QoUUyJlEes8xOw29lfT+1gg3KXBfYeggXLxMQ1xOH5L91j3Lg1taaD0EfyvkjO+TspcEwIwEtcBwdGRDbkjNkZOgFUEoWpxEFESLFRvr+JxgDJjvkLD4Q7l6tNOvW30oq7iI961NbXSwgM1cH0gNPED ungleich-backup 

 h4. What is the pricing model? 

 See "product page": 

 h4. What is the retention policy? 

 The default retention policy is: 5 daily backups, 4 weekly backups, 12 monthly backups. 

 h4. How can I access my backups? 

 You can access the files over SFTP using your ungleich account (username + password) against You can use any SFTP client such as command-line @sftp@ (@sftp or "Filezilla": (graphical client). 

 **Note:** at the moment, is only available over IPv6. 

 h2. Glarnercloud Backup 

 h3. FAQ 

 h4. How to enable this service? 

 Simply contact our customer support in order to enable the backup of your Glarnercloud instance. 
 The support team will then enable the automated backup service (similar to [[Customer_Backup#VM_Backup|VM Backup]] but restricted to your Glarnercloud data) 

 h4. What is the pricing model? 

 See "product page": 

 h4. What is the retention policy? 

 The default retention policy is: 5 daily backups, 4 weekly backups, 12 monthly backups. 

 h4. How can I access my backups? 

 You can access the files over nextcloud via Our customer support team will hand you your credentials as soon as the service is enabled for you. 
 Otherwise, you can access the backup via SFTP. Here again, the customer support will contact you and communicate your credentials as soon as the service is enabled for you. You can use any SFTP client such as command-line @sftp@ (@sftp or "Filezilla": (graphical client). 

 **Note:** at the moment, is only available over IPv6.