


Django-hosting » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Nico Schottelius, 04/08/2016 10:45 AM) → Revision 3/30 (Nico Schottelius, 04/08/2016 10:51 AM)

h1. by ungleich 

 h2. How to use 

 * Deploy / update your app into the folder *~app/app* (that is the app folder in the home of the user app) 
 ** We recommended to use git to deploy it 
 * Use the database "app" (running on localhost, no password required) 
 ** Don't forget to run your migrations!  
 * Restart uwsgi to load the new code of your app 

 h3. Restarting Restatring the app 

 * *sudo systemctl restart uwsgi* 

 h3. Viewing logfiles 

 * Use *sudo tail -F /v 

 h2. Description of the stack 

 h3. Technologies 

 * Debian 8 
 * nginx 
 * PostgreSQL 
 * uwsgi 

 h3. Configuration 

 * user "app" 
 ** in group "adm" (to view logfiles) 
 * PostgreSQL with 
 ** database "app" 
 ** Listens only on localhost / socket (no remote connections) 