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Nico Schottelius, 05/21/2020 03:22 PM

How to configure mikrotik network equipment


This document is PRE PRODUCTION.

Setting up a newly arrived Mikrotik switch

This part is specific for mikrotik-crs326 devices and should

After arriving within 1 work day do:

  • Unpack
  • Find out which name the switch should have
    • go to
    • search for crs326
    • identify the last used number
    • Create a new device
      • go to devices
      • devices
      • add
        • name: "mikrotik-crs326-XX"
        • device-role: a device role
        • device-type: CRS326
        • serial-number: <from the device>
        • site: placeX -
        • create
  • Add a physical label with its name
    • Do not continue before you have done that!
  • configure your notebook with the ipv4 address
  • connect to the crs326: ssh admin@
  • Configure the switch
    • Set identity: /system identity set name=mikrotik-crs326-XX # use the correct name
    • Set password: /user set admin password= # use the password for mikrotik in the place that you are, use password store
    • Enable IPv6: /system package enable ipv6
    • Reboot so that IPv6 is enabled: /system reboot
    • Add a place indendent, unrouted IPv6 address: /ipv6 address add eui-64=yes advertise=no interface=bridge address=2a0a:e5c0:1:c::/64
    • Get the assigned IPv6 address: /ipv6 address print
    • Disconnect from the switch
  • Assign your notebook the IPv6 address 2a0a:e5c0:1:c::23/64
  • Connect to the switch via IPv6
    • Remove the IPv4 address to avoid collisions with other switches: /ip address remove numbers=0
      • Verify: /ip address print
  • Verify / update entries in netbox:
    • Verify that the serial number is correct: :put [ /system routerboard get serial-number ]
    • Netbox

Updated by Nico Schottelius about 4 years ago · 4 revisions