


How to configure servers with cdist » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Timothée Floure, 02/16/2021 04:13 PM) → Revision 3/4 (Timothée Floure, 02/16/2021 04:22 PM)

h1. How to configure servers with cdist 

 h2. Introduction 

 We are using "cdist": to manage our system configurations. This software has originally been developped by ungleich-folk, but now has a much broader community. 

 h2. The ungleich cdist environment 

 Our environment is composed of 4 repositories: 

 * "ungleich-intern/cdist-workdir": ungleich-intern/cdist-workdir: meta-repository used as convenience helper to run access types across our 3 type repositories. 
 * "ungleich-intern/dot-cdist": ungleich-intern/dot-cdist: internal (= private) and historic cdist repository. Contains our manifests. 
 * "ungleich-public/cdist-ungleich": ungleich-public/cdist-ungleich: public (infrastructure transparency, sharing with the community) ungleich types that are too specific to be upstream to core cdist or cdist-contrib. 
 * "ungleich-public/cdist-contrib": ungleich-public/cdist-contrib: community-managed repository for types that do not fit into core-cdist. 

 h2. Applying changes to servers 

 Initial setup: 

 * Clone "ungleich-intern/cdist-workdir": 
 * Install ''myrepos'' and - within cdist-workdir - run ''mr update''. 
 * Set your ''CDIST_PATH'', using - for example - the ''cdist.cfg'' file in cdist-workdir. 

 Day-to-day workflow, within cdist-workdir: 

 * Make sure you have the latest configuration/types When a server needs to be (re-)configured, login to with ''mr update''. 
 * Configure ssh agent forwarding enabled. The username is the target host with ''cdist config -vv <hostname>''. 

 h3. Using same as the control node 

 You can use the control node customer you want to run cdist when you're using an unreliable connection (in a train, far away in Korea, etc.). Note that apply configurations for. If you will have want for instance to forward your SSH agent with configure the ''-A'' ssh flag. ungleich infrastructure, proceed as follows: 

 # Login to configuration server 
 ssh -A 

 # Ensure cdist configuration is up-to-date 
 cd cdist-workdir ~/.cdist 
 mr update git pull 

 # Configure 
 cdist config -vv <hostname> 
