


How to use the IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Nico Schottelius, 11/16/2019 01:07 PM) → Revision 5/12 (Nico Schottelius, 11/18/2019 01:29 PM)

h1. How to use the IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy 


 h2. Status 

 This document is *PRE PRODUCTION*. 

 h2. Introduction 

 To enable IPv6 only VMs to be accessible from the IPv4 Internet, we have an IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy. 


 h2. How to use it (as a customer) 

 * Configure / setup your website to be reachable by IPv6 
 * Ensure that your domain name has an AAAA entry pointing to your website 
 * Inform the ungleich team via support -at- about your domain 
 * Our team will setup the proxy to whitelist your domain 
 * Setup an A entry for your domain(s) pointing to 


 h2. Technical details / how to maintain it 

 * It's configured by cdist, type @__ungleich_haproxy@ 
 * To add a domain, edit manifest/ungleich 
 ** Find 
 ** Verify that the domain has an AAAA entry 
 ** Add the domain using the "--v4proxy DOMAIN" parameter 
 ** Commit in git, push 
 * Run cdist: @cdist config 

 h2. Troubleshooting 

 If the customer domain does not exist (anymore), haproxy will refuse to reload. In this case the customer domain has to be removed and the customer to be notified.