


How to use the IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Timothée Floure, 02/20/2020 02:31 PM) → Revision 8/12 (Timothée Floure, 02/20/2020 02:42 PM)

h1. How to use the IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy 


 *%{color:green}This document contains user documentation. See [[Common operations on IPv4-to-IPv6-Proxy]] for staff operations.%* 

 h2. Status 

 This document is *IN PRODUCTION*. 

 h2. Introduction 

 To enable IPv6 only VMs to be accessible from the IPv4 Internet, we have an IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy. 

 h2. HTTP(s) proxying 

 * Configure / setup your website to be reachable by IPv6 
 * Ensure that your domain name has an AAAA entry pointing to your website 
 * Inform the ungleich team via support -at- about your domain 
 * Our team will setup the proxy to whitelist your domain 
 * Setup an A entry for your domain(s) pointing to 

 h2. SMTP proxying (experimental) 

 * Configure / setup your mail server to be reachable by IPv6. 
 * Inform the ungleich team via support -at- about: your domain name (e.g. @domain.tld@ for jhon.doe@domain.tld) and the address of your mail server (e.g. @my-sexy-ipv6only-vm.domain.tld@). 
 * Our team configure the proxy for your domain and come back to you. 
 * Add a MX DNS record pointing to (e.g. @domain.tld IN MX 10