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David Hürlimann, 06/19/2014 02:26 AM

Ticket handling

General information

  • ungleich redmine == central tool
    • It is the primary Tool all others were Tools to communmicate with customers
      • Important information need to be posted in both Tools
  • jira/entwine -> pointer ist ungleich, informations in jira
  • redmine/panter ->

Ticket Status in ungleich redmine

  • New
    • All Tickes at the beginning
  • Seen
    • Assignee need to change from new to seen
  • In progress
    • If you work on a Task
  • Resolved
    • If you have finished the work but somebody need to contol it
  • Feedback
    • Assign to the Person who you want to ask and add your question in the comments
  • Closed
    • If you have been finished and nobody need to controll or if something is not needed any more
  • Rejected
    • If you don't want to do a Ticket, reject it.

Here you can find an actual List of customer Tickets

Updated by David Hürlimann about 10 years ago · 3 revisions