



From 11/02/2018 to 12/01/2018


02:04 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6171 (Closed): Setup a IPv6 router in the coworking network
* Install a fresh Devuan to an APU
* Let Nico know the IP for routing
Nico Schottelius
11:52 AM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6162: Packer plugin for OpenBSD VMM
47db093..09c3ac5 master -> master
(master) $ packer build examples/openbsd.json
packer-obsd64-vmm-amd64 output wil...
Philipp Buehler
10:16 AM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6162: Packer plugin for OpenBSD VMM
Repo Philipp Buehler
12:23 AM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6160 (In Progress): Prepare the entrance booth and registration process
Sanghee Kim
12:15 AM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6170: Setup a matrix server
apt-get update
apt-get install wget
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -...
Jin-Guk Kwon


11:04 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6170: Setup a matrix server 2a0a:e5c0:2:12:400:f0ff:fea9:c3f6 Jin-Guk Kwon
10:49 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6170 (Closed): Setup a matrix server
setup a matrix server on VM
Jin-Guk Kwon
10:18 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6169 (Closed): Create OpenNebula packages for arm64 and setup opennebula on
* Pairing with Evilham Nico Schottelius
09:50 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6168 (Closed): Prometheus status tool (Adler-Manager, working title) Evil Ham
09:16 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6167: build a basic web scraper becuse xyz website is going offline soon
add asignee Dominique Schuwey
09:15 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6167 (Closed): build a basic web scraper becuse xyz website is going offline soon
Dominique Schuwey
08:58 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6162 (In Progress): Packer plugin for OpenBSD VMM
Philipp Buehler
06:46 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6162 (Closed): Packer plugin for OpenBSD VMM
Packer creates images to be used w/ cloud platforms (or Vagrant).
It can use multiple "builder" virtualization like ...
Philipp Buehler
08:27 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6166 (Closed): route /64 to opennebula vm
Routing a /64 to a VM inside opennebula
Marcus Przyklink
07:39 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6165 (Closed): Opennebula 6 VM (IPv6 only)
try to create 6 VMs with opennebula ipv6 only
Roland Zweifel
Sam Hailu
Auer Marc
Marc Auer
07:04 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6164 (Closed): Document HardenedBSD update builds
HardenedBSD comes with its own updating system, hbsd-update-build. There are sophisticated publishing scripts availab... Johannes Meixner
06:53 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6163 (Closed): Kubernetes IPv6 only
Andreas and I (the one and only dominique) will work on the IPv6 only kubernets.
* kubernetes up & runnin...
Dominique Roux
02:59 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6161 (In Progress): Prepare the introduction speech
Nico Schottelius
12:53 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6161 (Closed): Prepare the introduction speech
* Slide 1 title
* Time frame: 42h
** Fri 1700 -- > 7h
** Sat 24h
** Sun 11h
* Flow
** Choose a project (recomm...
Nico Schottelius
12:50 PM hack4glarus-2018-winter Task #6160 (Closed): Prepare the entrance booth and registration process
* Registration
** Badge
** User account in LDAP
Nico Schottelius


04:23 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Just for clarifcation: is it already up and running?
->Dear, @nico.
No, Not Yet. "docker ps" is showing that it i...
Nico Schottelius
02:38 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Once Redash is installed, the service will be available on your server IP or DNS name assigned. Point your browser to... Dong Woo Koh


01:36 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Retry...... Dong Woo Koh
12:51 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Setup Docker Compose... Dong Woo Koh
12:49 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Create the envfile to store variables... Dong Woo Koh


01:39 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6

Dong Woo Koh
01:25 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.... Dong Woo Koh
01:04 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.... Dong Woo Koh


12:49 AM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#... Dong Woo Koh
12:18 AM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Postgresql Installation for TEST & STUDY
Dong Woo Koh


03:10 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#. Reference Link... Dong Woo Koh
03:09 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.Reference link... Dong Woo Koh
03:06 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
02:59 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
... Dong Woo Koh
02:46 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.I made VM again (with Centos 7 / ipv6 only...
Dong Woo Koh


01:09 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.... Dong Woo Koh


01:44 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.... Dong Woo Koh


12:22 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
#.... Dong Woo Koh
11:33 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6071 (In Progress): [user request] Checkout how to enable AES-NI or PCLMULQDQ CPU features
*CPU which support AES-NI*
The following Intel processors support the AES-NI instruction set
Westmere ...
Jin-Guk Kwon


02:12 PM queue Task #6068: Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Attention: please use a IPv6 only VM
#.Oops! I made VM again (with devuan-ascii/ ipv6 only / 10G Memory /100GB HD...
Nico Schottelius
01:49 PM queue Task #6068 (In Progress): Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Dong Woo Koh


12:17 AM queue Task #6068 (Seen): Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Thanks! Dong Woo Koh


11:21 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6071 (Rejected): [user request] Checkout how to enable AES-NI or PCLMULQDQ CPU features
* A customer requested support for this feature(s).
* Currently we emulate a Qemu virtual cpu, which allows us to mi...
Nico Schottelius
10:57 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944 (Closed): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
Nico Schottelius
10:07 AM queue Task #6068 (Rejected): Move redash ( to a new IPv6 only VM in place6
Hey Dongwoo,
this is a great task for practising. It's a lot of small and easy steps to ensure everything works.
Nico Schottelius


09:27 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5922: [user request] Add sieve support to our mailserver
+watcher Nico Schottelius
11:36 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944 (Feedback): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
Jin-Guk Kwon


11:50 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6052 (Rejected): Document IPv6 routing service
* In coordination w/ Kamila
* Debian: persisting below /etc/network/interfaces.d/ipv6-routed.cfg...
Nico Schottelius
09:13 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6049 (Rejected): Publish / document our Kubernetes / IPv6 experiences
Nico Schottelius


06:27 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944: Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
*<add new IPV4>*
1. onevm poweroff <VM ID> or click poweroff on opennebula web
2. click attach IP config on open...
Jin-Guk Kwon
05:51 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944: Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
*<Move image>*
if you want to migrate a VM from one place to another
1. onevm list
#for finding "SOURCE-VM...
Jin-Guk Kwon
05:25 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944: Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
*<Move host>*
if you want to move monitoring host, you can do that as below sequence.
ex) from server2.place5 to ...
Jin-Guk Kwon


04:49 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5984 (Closed): Document gitlab setup
* How it works
* How is it connected to other services
* How to add a repository
* How it is updated
* Guide usab...
Dominique Roux
01:34 PM queue Task #5930 (Seen): [user request] Evaluate, if we can replace google analytics with
Marcus Przyklink


07:42 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5940 (Closed): Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
Done including documentation.... Nico Schottelius
06:17 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5940: Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
* Updated glue records for dns{1..3} Nico Schottelius
05:51 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5940: Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
* Introducing as internal names to be used... Nico Schottelius
05:42 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5940 (In Progress): Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
Taking to me as some servers don't respond correctly && we should update this Nico Schottelius
11:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944 (In Progress): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
Starting right now Nico Schottelius


11:02 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5945 (Rejected): [user request] Support more content in the RSS feed of our blog
Reported from outside:
* Current status: we only show title and sometimes the description
* Future status: includ...
Nico Schottelius
10:57 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5944 (Closed): Document how we can migrate a VM (with IP change) from a place to another
* Document in this ticket
* Include all steps with opennebula, rbd, etc.
* Write the documentation in this ticket a...
Nico Schottelius


04:22 PM Open Infrastructure Task #5940 (Closed): Update ungleich DNS infrastructure v3
Current setup:
* Authorative
** 1x server in place4 (bind) (dns5)
** 2x VMs in place5 (nsd) (dns3,dns4)
** 2x r...
Nico Schottelius
12:23 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5883 (In Progress): Add ipxe menu for netboot
* Implemented, documentation missing at the moment Nico Schottelius

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