Task #6672
closedimplementation of ungleich-cli setup reverse to users
Implementation of unleich-cli, a service that let users setup their reverse dns
Updated by William Colmenares almost 6 years ago
- Project changed from 2 to Open Infrastructure
William Colmenares wrote:
Implementation of unleich-cli, a service that let users setup their reverse dns
Create a service that commits/push the a file to dot-cdist/files/dns/zones in order to set up the reverse dns of the users
the service will consist of a command which requires a command similar to:
ungleich-cli dns --set-reverse <ip> --user <username> --email <email> --token <otp token> --name mirror.example.com
which will create a file with the necessary content and push it to the zones directory.
Updated by William Colmenares almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Currently deployed in my dev machine
Updated by William Colmenares almost 6 years ago
In order to let users set up their reversedns it is required a valid ungleich account, you can register at https://account.ungleich.ch/register/
After the registration, you need a valid otp account and seed, to do this you can submit a request with curl with the following parameters
curl -d '{"username":"your_ungleich_username", "password":"********", "realm": "ungleich-user"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://account.ungleich.ch/otp/
And it will retrieve a seed (a code that you can set up in any otp app in order to generate your 6 digits otp token)
After this, you are now ready to set up your reversedns
Clone ungleich-cli and inside the folder type
python ungleich dns --set-reverse <yourvmipaddress> --user <ungleich_username> --token <otp_token> --realm ungleich-user --email <youremail> --name mirror.example.com
If the request is successful it will return a 200 response with the reversed ip address
or it would return an authentication failed message, in case the vm-ip-username-token combination is wrong.
Updated by William Colmenares almost 6 years ago
- Due date changed from 05/10/2019 to 06/10/2019
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 70 to 80
Fixed verification against dynamicweb
Updated by Jason Kim over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- PM Check date changed from 06/08/2019 to 06/22/2019