Task #7345
Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
Added by Nico Schottelius about 5 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
- So that we can offer matrix-as-a-service
- Consider if it is possible to run matrix on a v6 only VM and proxy into the IPv4 world
- I am not sure how the protocol functions, but if it uses TLS/SNI, it should be possible on our ipv6-proxy
- Assignee set to Timothée Floure
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Works but need more testing. I haven't forgotten this issue, which will be updated soon (TM).
- Project changed from hack4glarus-2019-winter to Open Infrastructure
- Subject changed from Create a matrix cdist type to Create a matrix cdist type + make it customer usable
- Description updated (diff)
Moving ticket to Open Infrastructure
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Both matrix-synapse and matrix-riot should be usable now, although they need some real-world testing which will handled by #6694.
The sources are currently hosted on [git.sr.ht](https://git.sr.ht/~fnux/matrix-cdist-types): shall I move the to ungleich-public on code.ungleich.ch? Note that I do not have access to the ungleich-public group (yet?).
Just added you to ungleich-public, please move there
- Status changed from In Progress to Waiting
- Subject changed from Create a matrix cdist type + make it customer usable to Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
- Status changed from Waiting to In Progress
- Priority changed from High to Low
Components are slowly being upstreamed.
- __matterbridge is in dot-cdist
- __matrix_riot has a PR opened against cdist-contrib.
- __matrix_synapse is being cleaned up / has a WIP PR opened against cdist-contrib.
TODO: Mention cdist in weekly "This Week In Matrix" once everything is merged.
I did the heavy work for both __matrix_synapse and __ungleich_matrix but there's still documentation update, some testing and worker mode to be done.
- Blocks Task #8888: Meta-Issue for Matrix late-winter 2021 cleanup added
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
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