



OpenBSD IPv6-only router

Physical Setup (see attachment)

Window: ----------
Inside: apu-obsd2 | apu-obsd1 | Netgear
          (Links) | (Rechts)  | switch

Ethernet ports (emX)
|        |
|  APU   |
|        |
  |  |  |
  0  1  2

Network layout

apu-obsd2 (Links)

* em0: uplink
  gateway:  2a0a:e5c0:1:7::7/64
  transfer: 2a0a:e5c0:1:7::23/64
  net:      2a0a:e5c0:111::1/48
* em1: Netz1
  net:      2a0a:e5c0:111:1::1/64
* em2: Netz2
  net:      2a0a:e5c0:111:2::1/64

apu-obsd1 (Rechts)

* em0: uplink
  gateway:  2a0a:e5c0:1:7::7/64
  transfer: 2a0a:e5c0:1:7::22/64
  net:      2a0a:e5c0:110::1/48
* em1: Netz1
  net:      2a0a:e5c0:110:1::1/64
* em2: Netz2
  net:      2a0a:e5c0:110:2::1/64


  • Forwarding all ipv6 traffic
  • Accepting only icmp6 + ssh to self
  • Not filtering packages to other machines in the network


1. Install OpenBSD
1.0. Flash USB (dd, whatever)
1.1. Boot from USB
1.2. Setup serial installation

boot> stty com0 115200
boot> set tty com0
boot> *enter*

1.3. Follow friendly instructions from awesome shell code
1.4. Reboot into OpenBSD

2. Setup gateway:

> echo $Gateway_IPv6 > /etc/mygate

3. Setup each network interface:

> man hostname.if
> # Hint: write ifconfig to /etc/hostname.$INTERFACE
> man ifconfig

4. Setup route advertisement

> man rad
> man rad.conf
> # Enable rad
> rcctl enable rad
> vi /etc/rad.conf
> # Start rad
> rcctl start rad

5. Setup firewall

> man pf
> man pf.conf
> # Care: don't get fancy with the ipv6 handling
> vi /etc/pf.conf
> # Load pf config
> pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

6. Add SSH keys to authorized_keys as usual
Currently [*]: evilham + roli + nico have access to root user.
[*]: 18.10 Saturday of H4G_SE2019 [working short-title]

Put routers on the net of netz via fiber

Test a MikroTic router
h3. Fail at its clicky click interface

Test a Ubiquiti Edge Router
h3. Fail at its clicky click interface

Test the Netgear switch that doesn't try to be smart
h3. Succeed after 2 minutes
h3. Setup cables and devices in a neat fashion


  • Ask roli for access if needed
  • Wakeup evilham if state of things is blocking
  • Before that, ask $InsertAwesomeBSDPersonHere for help with pf if needed (e.g. for separation of the networks).

Updated by Evil Ham almost 6 years ago ยท 2 revisions