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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7399 Task Closed Normal presentations hack4glarus 2019 winter 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7398 Task Closed Normal Add more Search Engines to ⚉ CopyScan Martin Vögeli 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7397 Task Closed Normal Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7390 Task Closed Normal Boot alpine via IPv6 netboot from the arm64 servers Samuel Hailu 12/29/2020 11:50 AM Actions
7389 Task Closed Normal Setup a webserver on the APU, create an ipxe script and add bootable files Samuel Hailu 10/06/2020 01:36 PM Actions
7387 Task Closed Normal Create an iPXE binary WITHOUT ipv4 support (only IPv6) 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7385 Task Closed Normal Create a new service named "ipv6" that offers in ipv6 networkservices 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
7382 Task Closed Normal Monitoring at a different level (BPF/Suricata/Cilium) Philipp Buehler 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7381 Task Closed Normal Monitor lorawan temperature sensors with prometheus + grafana 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7380 Task Closed Normal Checking out BorgBackup Martin Vögeli 11/29/2019 10:37 PM Actions
7379 Task Closed Normal Explore an "any name DNS service" Kamila Součková 08/12/2021 09:55 PM Actions
7378 Task Closed Normal Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7376 Task Closed Normal Packer+Vagrant for OpenBSD (cont'd) Philipp Buehler 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7375 Task Closed Normal make a mozilla WebThings notifier (telegram bot) 11/30/2019 08:14 PM Actions
7374 Task Closed Normal make a mozilla WebThings UI extension 11/30/2019 08:12 PM Actions
7373 Task Closed Normal make a mozilla WebThings Framework David Hasselhoff 11/30/2019 08:13 PM Actions
7372 Task Closed Normal make a mozilla WebThings gateway David Hasselhoff 11/30/2019 02:51 AM Actions
7371 Task Closed Normal mozilla iot David Hasselhoff 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7368 Task Closed Normal Setup an ARM64 virtualisation server with alpine 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7367 Task Closed Normal Setup ARM64 IPv6 only netbooting 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7366 Task Closed Normal Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game Den Ivanov 01/02/2024 12:35 PM Actions
7365 Task Closed Normal Create an IPv6 only bootable network ll nu 12/09/2019 11:57 AM Actions
7364 Task Closed Normal Crash course in cdist Nico Schottelius 11/30/2019 09:49 PM Actions
7363 Task Rejected Normal cdist crash course (~30m) 11/29/2019 11:47 AM Actions
7359 Task Closed Normal Define how to properly use docker in ipv6 only networks 01/02/2024 12:48 PM Actions
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